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~This story is not mine. But I found it so inspiring and so deep, I had to put my OTP in this/Lance's POV~

There's a boy, black mullet hair, wears red a lot. Every morning he catches my bus with his older brother, with a smile. He sits beside me in my class, the teacher is his older brother Shiro. Mullet is so beautiful.

There's a boy, black mullet hair, wears red a lot. Every morning he catches my bus with his older brother, with a smile as the person behind him pushes him a little since it's crowded. He sits beside me in my class, the teacher is his older brother Shiro. Mullet is so beautiful.

There's a boy, black mullet hair, wears red a lot. Every morning he catches my bus with his older brother, blank smile. He sits beside me in my class as his friends talk to him, the teacher is his older brother Shiro also with a slight blank smile. Mullet is so beautiful.

There's a boy, black mullet hair, wears red a lot. Every morning he catches my bus with his older brother, no smile. He sits beside me in my class while not working, just staring at his desk blankly, the teacher is his older brother Shiro. Mullet is so beautiful.

There's a boy, black mullet hair, wears red a lot. Every morning he catches my bus with his older brother, he had bruises and cuts all over his body, his eyes were red and puffy. He sits beside me in my class with his hood up, the teacher is his older brother Shiro, he didn't seem well today. But I still find Mullet beautiful.

There's a boy, black mullet hair, wears red a lot. Every morning he catches my bus with his older brother, but not today. He sits beside me in my class, but not anymore. The teacher is his older brother Shiro, but not today. I miss mullet.

There's a boy, black mullet hair, wears red a lot. Every morning he catches my bus with his older brother, today it was just his brother, wearing all black. He sits beside me in my class, but not today. The teacher is his older brother Shiro, he goes to the front with red puffy eyes and informed us that Mullet boy is dead due to suicide. Mullet left a note for the student who sits beside him, it said: "I think you're beautiful."

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