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~Hello. It's 5:09 am and I'm not tired...*sarcastic* hooray/ Keiths POV~

I have a boyfriend. Named Lance, Lance McCain. He's been rough lately, smoking, getting into fights, now his grades are dropping. Thankfully I got him to quit smoking though, for about a month he stayed with me and my older brother Shiro since he got into a fight with his dad. Now I'm meeting him in the library for a tutor lesson in English. My favourite subject. I arrive at the library and begin the wait. About 6 minutes later he arrived, he had bruises, cuts, dirt everywhere, eye bags, red puffy eyes, and cigarette breath.

"What happened?" I got up to check him.

"Nothing." He mumbled slouching over in the chair and rubbing his face, there was a gap between him and the table.

"Babe, look at me," I went on my knees in from of him. "I am your boyfriend, we've been dating for over 2 years, you can tell me anything, I won't judge."

He nodded. "I was walking here, when the captain of the football team and a few of his friends started calling me a faggot, then a poor boy. I can't argue with those, I love you so much and my family isn't the richest. But what made me snap was when he said 'I bet Keith is only dating you because he feels bad'." Lance started crying. "Is it true?"

"No!" I said straight away. "I love you so much, I don't ever want to leave you! Ever!"

He looked to the side keeping his head down, I stood up holding my hand out. "Come,"

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"My house, you have open cuts that need cleaning," I told him.

"Keith?" He said.

I turned. "Yeah."

"Thank you for taking care of me at my worst times." He stood up.

"Don't thank me, it's what couples do when they love each other," I said.

He leaned in kissing me. Despite the cigarette breath, I kissed him back.

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