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(Just a little if Lance and Keith were a couple)

~Keiths POV~

I was sitting in class beside Pidge, Jacob was the supply since the teacher Mr.Jensen was away, the bell rang and all the students were in class. After a minute there was a knock at the door, Jacob walked to it and opened it.

"Lance what are yo-"

Lance walked in, he walked to me, raised my head, then kissed me.

"I love you, your perfect," Lance said.

"I love you too," I replied a bit suspicious of what he did.

"Good." He said leaving.

"Come on, we're late!" Hunk said.

"Goodbye, my good man," Lance said to Jacob.

Lance left and Jacob looked confused at me.
~Handing back report cards/They're not dating~

Shiro named a few people then Pidge.

"Pidge! Good job! Straight A's." Shiro said.

"As usual," Pidge mumbled.

A few more names were called.

"Hunk, not that bad," Shiro said.

Hunk grabbed his.

"Keith," Shiro said.

Keith got up, his marks were confusing. Some were good others were bad. More names were called.

"Lance." Shiro laughed.

Jacob took Lance's straight away, looking at it.

"Huh?! You can't look at it! You're the helper!" Lance said trying to grab it.

Jacob had a hand over Lance's face. "Yes but I'm also your older brother."

After a second Jacob laughed.

"A teacher said 'Lance should stop staring at the other student Keith while working'." Jacob laughed.

Keith looked at Lance.

"Why did you read it out loud?!" Lance freaked.

"Because you made me do laundry all week you little shit!"
~This is not Klance, but a student in my History class does this almost every class~

Everyone was sitting in class, they have five minutes to get to each class, as the bell rang Lance came into the room with sunglasses on.

"DADDY'S HOME!" He yelled.
~Keiths POV~

Today was a Friday, and since Lance and I have been dating for some time now and we're old enough, we're gonna try...sex. I'm a little nervous about it, but he seems sure. We both walk into class, Shiro and Jacob exchanged whispers. Lance and I sat beside each other as usual. Jacob ran out of the room as the bell rang.

"Now I know that this isn't health class, but since you all are of age, I'm gonna make sure you all know the basics of sex and consent," Shiro said.

Lance and I exchanged looks as it's coincidental that we were planning to. After a bit, Jacob ran into the room with playdough as he started shaping something. Shiro went over consent and stuff like that, but the thing that really caught my eye was when Lance gasped.

"What?" I whispered.

"You see that condom in Jacobs' hand?" He said.


Lance whispered right in my ear. "That's the one I got for tonight, it's rainbow and is skittles flavour."

I slapped my forehead.

"Now as you all can see Jacob made a model of the male testicle. There are 2 kinds of condoms, flavoured and none flavoured, as you can see, the rainbow package is labelled skittle flavour. So we're not gonna use that one, instead we're gonna use the non-flavour." Shiro glanced at us.

"Fuck!" I quickly mumbled.

"Anyways, you open the condom package then slide it on the penis carefully, you don't want to break it."

"This is actual torture," Lance whispered.

"I know," I said.

"It just makes me even more excited for tonight." He said confused.

I slapped my forehead.

~Since this was a request, if you want more of these I'm sure I can do more~

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