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~Lances POV~

"Pidge no, I will actually kill you," I squinted at her.

"Whatever, but I'm not promising a thing," Pidge walked away.

About an hour into the party I poured a drink into my red solo cup, Keith stood beside me making himself a drink.

"Hey," Keith said.

"Well hello there," I smirked leaning on the tabletop.

"Could you pass me the vodka?" Keith asked.

I looked over and grabbed it quickly handing it to him.


Keith poured the vodka into his drink and walked away. I followed slowly to see where he was going. Keith sat beside a normal-looking alien guy. The alien had an arm on the rim of the couch right behind Keith's back practically on Keith's shoulder. I looked at Pidge, she had her mistletoe hanging off a stick by some string. It was hanging over Matt and an alien lady. Matt noticed and pushed her making the mistletoe go over Keith and the alien. I gasped. Pidge argued with Matt not noticing where it was. Keith was talking to Hunk also not noticing the mistletoe.

"Do it!" Everyone chanted.

"Hey, Keith?" The alien guy leaned in.

Keith turned his head, the alien guy was just millimetres away from Keith's lips, Keith poured a drink on him getting up.

"No," Keith walked in my direction.

"Ohhh?!" Everyone around us laughed.

He shook his head in disappointment as he passed me. I glared at Pidge. She shrugged her shoulders arguing with Matt again. After 10 minutes I chatted with Hunk when everyone started chanting "Do it." I was confused but then realized everyone was looking at me. I looked up and notice the mistletoe. I froze. I'm not ready to see who's behind me. I turn just for a glance and of course. Mullet. I let out a breath and turn around fully, he was facing me while hiding his face in his hand turning a bit red. The chanting continued.

"Keith?" I said.

He looked up. I kissed him quickly, just a peck, simple. He looked at me with wide eyes.

"I-I'm sorry," I rubbed my face. "That was stupid."

He looked around and back at me he took a step closer to me. Yup, he's gonna slap me. I can feel the pain already. I close my eyes scared for my life when I felt a small kiss. I open my eyes and he's still kissing me. I melt into it just a little.

"GET A ROOM!" Pidge yelled.

Everyone laughed and we did too. I opened my eyes, Keith smiled looking down.

"Merry Christmas." I smiled.

He looked up. "Merry Christmas."

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