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~Lance's POV/a very famous youtuber~

"So you guys have been asking a lot, when am I gonna see Keith again." This is an emotional topic, my eyes teared up as I took a deep breath in preparation to take on what I'm going to say. "I haven't seen him in 2 years and he's still in the war. I miss him a lot, I miss his hugs, his voice, his kisses. I don't even know if he's dead or alive, I just pray. I've sent him letters but so far I have no response." 

I looked back at the camera. "I'm going to go live on Saturday. I would do Friday because that's my birthday but I have to work until 7-"


I looked at the clock in the cafe, 5 pm. Still 2 more hours, I looked at the marker on my wrist that says 'Keith' with a heart. Lately, it's been hard, I've missed Keith more and more. I'm afraid he's not alive. Just 2 more months until his date to be sent home...or the day a man comes to my door with an apology letter of his death.

"Lance! I have a surprise for you!" I heard a voice shout.

Keith? I turned my head, no Hunk. All this thinking of Keith has me hearing his voice.

"Oh, hey Hunk," I smiled wiping the empty tables down.

"You have to come with me!" He smiled brightly.

"What? Why? I'm at work, what happened?" My caution grew.

"Your boss said you can leave, don't worry." He said.

I turned to my boss, she had tears and a smile as she waved to me.

"Why is she crying?" I asked.

Hunk already had me out the door, Pidge had her car in the front waiting for us to get in. 

"Where are you taking me?" I asked jumping into the backseat.

"You'll see." She said.

We drove to a huge mall then walked around until we arrived at a French cafe where Keith and I had our first date. I started getting teary eyes, memories flooded my brain. Oh how much I miss him. We stepped inside and my family was there. 

"Mama? Papa?" I smiled approaching while hugging them.

"Feliz cumpleaños!" 

Translation: Happy Birthday

I hugged them all smiling. As much as I love seeing them, I can't wait for this night to be over. Why would they hold my birthday at the cafe Keith and I had our first date? They know I get emotional about it. My family was so genorous, they brought presents, cake, even my favourite milkshake that Keith and I shared on our first date. Keith...I checked the time, 7:05, this night is nowhere near over.

"I have to use the bathroom, I'll be back," I excused myself. 

I got up and slowly walked through the mall to the bathroom, looking at the store windows. Oh, the memories. I used the bathroom and started walking back to the cafe slowly.

"Lance McClain?" I heard a voice say.

It didn't sound like Keith. I turned around, I don't even know them!

"Oh my god! We're huge fans of you!" The girl smiled. "Happy Birthday!"

I smiled. "Oh my god, thank you."

"C-Can I get a hug?" A short boy with red hair asked.

"Of course!" I smiled hugging him.

He smiled and looking down blushing. He walked to me with wide arms and hugged me. There were 5 of them, all around the age of 14 and 15.

"Can we get a photo?" One asked.

"Of course!" I smiled.

I went in the middle of them as they all took their phones out. We all posed. They took two photos. A normal photo then a wacky one, two kissed my cheek on the second, I stuck my tongue out. 

"Thanks so much, it was so nice meeting you!" They all smiled brightly walking away.

"Thanks." I laughed.

I walked back to the cafe in a better mood, half an hour passed. Pidge's phone dinged.

"Put the blindfold on." She said to Hunk.

Hunk placed a blindfold around my eyes.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Shh." He said.

"Is this a febreeze commercial?" I sniffed the air harshly.

I heard a few giggles. Hunk pulled me, I stood up following him step by step.

"Ready?" I heard Hunk mumble.

He took the blindfold off, I looked to my right confused Pidge was recording, then to my left where my family was. I turned around- 

"KEITH!" I cried.

I ran to hug him tightly. I cried all over him, I didn't let go of him. I stopped then kissed him for a long time.

"Happy Birthday!" He smiled.

I kissed him again. He stepped one foot back and kneeled on his knee.


He went into his pocket and pulled out a small case that carries rings...wait.

"Lance McClain." He said.

He opened the case to show a ring. 

"Will you marry me?" He asked.

I dropped to my knees crying. I can't tell if I was smiling or frowning.

"Babe?" He asked worriedly.

I jumped into his arms.

"Of course!"

He put the ring on me, I looked for a second then continued crying. Best. Day. Ever.

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