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~Warning: Sadness/Suicide/Knife/Lance's POV~

I have the cutest boyfriend ever. Keith Kogane. He's funny, smart, hot, everything a guy could want. Except there's one thing that kinda worries me. Keith Kogane wears sweaters and pants...in July. We're in Canada. The coldest winters, yet weirdly hot summers. Annoying. But also, we haven't had sex in over 4 months, not that it's important, I don't like to pressure but that's a long time, it's not easy masterbating to a picture of your boyfriend. But I respect his choice. He's 18 and I'm 17. I'm meeting him at our usual meet up spot after school since we both walk the same way. I saw him, he had his hood up and face down with red puffy eyes like usual. He walked to me.

"Hey, babe!" I smiled.

"Hi." He said.

"I have bad news," I said.

"What?" He said a bit scared.

"I have to go to Cuba today for a family thing, tomorrow is a Saturday so you'll survive." I smiled.


"I'll be back on Monday to see your cute face again," I said.


"Oh." He said looking down.

I held his hand and began walking down the sidewalk, noticing him not really listening. We arrived at his house, he looked up at me, holding back tears. He kissed me, it was so passionate and confident. He stopped and began walking away to his house. I got a boner from it.

"Uhhh, are you okay?" I asked with my hands trying to cover my erection.

He looked down at me and smiled, then he turned and kept walking, I can hear crying from him.

"Babe?" I said.

Slam. The door shut. Maybe today isn't his day. I walked down a little more into my house, mamà and papà were at the door.

"We're sorry but you're not going to come with us to Cuba. Your siblings will be at Nona's so you and Keith have the house to yourself, we're leaving now. Adios, te amo!" Mamà said.

"Adios, te amo!" I said.

I checked the time. 3:29 pm I'll take Keith out for a date then head back home with him to watch a movie. I hopped in the shower.

~Time skip/7:00 pm~

I was fully dressed, had nice clothes on, just brushing my hair when my phone dinged. I checked who. Babe.


Keith: Hey Lance. I know you won't want to see this and I'm sorry this is how it's going to end. For the past 5 months I've been battling depression, it's nothing that you caused. It came out of nowhere one day and hasn't left. I tried everything too, I tried medication, I tried therapy, I tried taking time off. There's nothing that's helping. I'm sorry you'll be seeing this when it's too late I just...you know me. I don't just give up, but Lance there's so much going on that the only option I have is to give up. There's a voice inside my head screaming at me to jump every day when I pass the bridge. But I really want you to know that this is not because of you, you were the best boyfriend any guy could ask for. I'm sorry I wasn't here long enough to make you my husband, but maybe in our next life. Just like you said, there's always another chance. Also I know you knew I wasn't feeling the best and thank you for trying to cheer me up, you truly did try....I just...this is a decision I'm choosing to make. Also since I know you like my voice and my laugh, I'm gonna give you my snap chat, that has lots of me, email:keithisdumb password:lanceylance. I love you so so so much, goodbye.

I froze in my tracks. What!? I tried calling him, nothing, no one is picking up! I called Shiro.

"Hey Lance, I'm at work so I can't speak for long, everything okay-"

"SHIRO! I THINK KEITH IS KILLING HIMSELF!" I cried in a panic, I sprinted down the stairs.

"What?!" Shiro said.


"I just got one right now! Lance, go see Keith, right now! Run as fast as you can! I'm going to leave work right now but I won't make it in time!" I could hear him shuffle paper.

"Okay!" I said hanging up.

I got up and ran out the door, I didn't even lock my door, I just ran. My boyfriend is more important than anything else in the world. After 5 minutes of running fast, I made it to his house, oh my god! My face was soaked with tears and sweat. I tried to open the door, locked. Dammit, I ran around the back, also locked. I looked around the house panicking. What do I do? Wait, his window! I climbed his car and climbed onto the ledge of a small roof below his window. I can hear crying. Keith! I'm coming! I climbed through the window and ran around in a panic.

"Keith?!" I freaked.

"KEITH?!" I cried but with a voice crack.

I heard sobbing in the bathroom. I ran to it, Keith! He's alive!

"Keith!" I said relieved.

"I almost did it," Keith cried holding a knife.

He had tears streaming down his red face as he sat on the toilet seat. I looked at him, he was in boxers, his arms and legs were shaking full of cuts while on his chest was a 'x' mark clearly from a knife. I took the knife and put it in the sink. I hugged him relieved. 

"Babe," I said shakily. "I'm just relieved your still alive, thank god I didn't go."

He looked up.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there fully, Keith if you killed yourself I don't know what I would have done, please please please don't do this ever again. Next time let me know, please babe." I cried.

He nodded. I hugged him kissing his forehead.

"It's gonna be okay," I hushed him. "Here, let's get yourself cleaned up."

I started running the bath. The front door slammed open and footsteps ran up. 

"Is Keith- oh thank god!" Shiro ran to Keith hugging him in tears. 

Shiro's face was cherry red and his shirt was soaked from tears. "Keith please, if you ever are in any sort of pain call me! I promise I am always here for you!" 

Keith broke down on the spot.

"How are you feeling?" Shiro asked.

"I didn't expect all this support from you both." Keith cried.

We both hugged him, trying to comfort him as much as possible. I stopped the bath water.

"I'm going to park the car properly." Shiro giggled a little. "I hit the garbage can outside and swerved onto the grass."

Keith smiled slightly. 

"I'll be in here with Keith." I handed Shiro the knife. "Take this."

"Yeah...okay." Shiro calmed down holding it.

Shiro closed the door, I turned to Keith. "I'll sleep over tonight, if you feel the slightest sad wake me up and let me know, ok?" 

"Okay." Keith nodded.

~Ok I CRIED writing this, I literally bawled writing the messages~ 

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