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~So this is also a paramedic thing except Lance is the paramedic and Keith is a college student/idea by @kcgamingc/Lance's POV~

"Do you have to go?" I whined.

"Yes." Keith laughed, he got up grabbing his bag. "I have class at 10 am and you have work at 11 am."

I sighed.

"Hey, when you come home, I'll be here waiting for you and that cute suit." He winked.

I smirked putting my hands around his waist pulling him closer. He smiled turning a bit red.

"Okay," I said.

He put his hands on my neck and kissed me. "Okay, I got to go now, bye."

He kissed me one last time.

"Bye," I said.

He left and I sighed.

~Time skip~

I arrived at work, Pidge, Shiro, and Hunk were all working. Pidge made new technology while working the front desk, Hunk was a nurse and Shiro was also a paramedic like me.

"Hello, my dudes," I walked in.

"Hey." They said back.

Shiro and I went to the first few calls, then we got one more. We were at the base since we had half an hour to spare.

"Shiro, Lance, another call," Pidge said.

Shiro and I got up getting supplies, Pidge was telling us what she's hearing on the phone.

"On the 401, doesn't know if he's alive, car accident, front half is completely smashed, legs are squished, 5'6, slim, found a drivers license on the windshield, name is-" she froze.

"What?" Shiro asked.

She looked at us in horror.

"We have to go, tell us the name!" I said.

"Keith Kogane!" She blurted.

We all stopped. "What?"

My body started shaking as tears began to fill.

"Lance, maybe you should stay," Shiro said.

"No! Take me there!" I said turning.

We were in the ambulance, my hands were shaking. I fiddled with the ring on my ring finger.

"Lance, he's going to be fine," Shiro hushed.

"How do we know?" I turned, practically tears raining.

"Because it's Keith, he's strong and will recover,"

We arrived at the crash, Keith was on a stretcher in front of the ambulance, there was a blanket placed on him and below his waist had weird bumps, like twisted legs.

"Keith!" I shouted.

"Lance stop!" Shiro said.


Keith turned his head to me, his eyes were barely open. I kept running, Shiro grabbed me by the arm pulling me back.

"Lance stop! You're in a hysterical state!" Shiro said.

"No, I'm not!" I said.

"Yes you are!" Shiro said. "Just go wait in the truck."

I dropped on the ground crying.

"Keith!" I called in a shaky voice.

All the news reporters stood around me asking questions. Shiro tried to shew them away. Keith's stretcher went inside the ambulance and drove off.

"Shiro we have to follow it!" I got up.

"No, we have to leave them be," Shiro said.

"Keith..." I was shaky in every way.

"Lance come, let's go into the truck." He said.

I didn't move. He picked me up and brought me to the truck placing me in the passenger seat.

"Stay." He closed the door.

I leaned forward, my hands were in my hair. Oh my god, Keith! After a minute Shiro came into the driver's seat.

"Allura (the boss) said you can go home," Shiro said.

. . .


"Take me to the hospital," I said.

"You know I shouldn't do that," Shiro sighed.

"Take me, to thE FUCKING HOSPITAL!" I shouted with tears.

Shiro sighed, he began driving, about 15 minutes later we arrived at a different hospital, we went to the front desk.

"Keith Kogane," Shiro told the lady.

The front desk lady looked at our suit then at our face.

"He's in surgery, but he will be out in 2 hours."

"What room will he be in?" I asked.

"232." She said.

"Thank you," Shiro nodded. "Want me to drive you home?"

I nodded no. I walked into the waiting room and sat down. It took maybe 2 hours, but I stayed. Finally, a nurse came, she knew me and Keith had a relationship, after all, she was Keith's best friend.

"Lance?" She said.

I looked up, I got up quickly. "How is he?"

"He's awake right now, but, he's not going to be able to walk for approximately 2 years." She said.

My eyes got watery, oh no. At least he's alive.

"Ok," I said. "Can I see him?"

"Yeah, room 232."

I began walking, I'm nervous, the butterflies made me barf 4 times throughout this whole 2-hour wait. I walked into the room.


He turned. "Lance! What happened? Where am I? Why can't I feel my legs?"

He's panicking. I sat down beside him and rested my hand on his.

"You were in a car accident, your legs got squished." I held his hand.

His eyes poured, he was shaking. "Can I walk?"

"Not for approximately 2 years," I shook my head.

I hugged him, as much as I want to break down because this isn't just a patient, this is my fiancé. I took a breath in.

"It's ok," I said, rubbing his back. "When you start your physical training, I'm going to be here, every step of the way."

I connected our hands that had the rings on them. "I did make a promise."

He nodded still crying, I kissed him then went back to hugging. "It's okay Keith, it's okay."

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