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~Keith's POV/TW trauma~

"KEITH!" I heard a yell.

Lance shoved me as he got blasted directly in the chest.

"LANCE!" I shrieked.

We're in a war with the Galrans. Our mission was to find Matt and his dad. But now it failed...I failed. I rushed to Lance applying pressure to his wound. Blood was coming out of his mouth, chest, and nose.

"I'M SO SORRY!" I cried trying my best to comfort him.

He held my hand on his cheek. "I love you."

"NO! YOU'RE NOT GONNA DIE!" I shouted.

His eyes began to shut.

"LANCE NO!" I screamed. "Stay awake! You are going to be all right!"

As his eyes were about to close.

"I love you too!" I shrieked.

Shut. His eyes were closed. My eyes were pouring like facets, I kissed him along with a hug. It was his birthday tomorrow. Age 27. He died too early. Shiro ran to me with Matt and his dad.

"Mission accomplished!" Pidge cheered.

"Wait. What happened?" Shiro approached us.

I turned to him with tears and blood on me.

"Lance." My voice cracked.

"Oh no," Shiro kneeled beside me.

Pidge looked around Shiro and instantly was in shock.

"Lance?" She spoke.

"Gone," Shiro replied.

I took Lance's marriage ring off and put it on mine. We were both married to each other. I thought...we could be happy. Shiro picked up the body.

"We can't leave him." He spoke.

"Please. Let me carry him." I said still in tears.

Shiro looked uncertain but then handed me his body. We arrived at the ship, Hunk was chatting with Coran.

"Lance!" Hunk gasped. "Put him in the incubator!"

"Lance you can't," Shiro said.

"Wait...why?" Hunk asked nervously.

"He's...dead," Pidge replied.

"Oh my god." Hunk covered his mouth shaking on the spot.

I started crying again. That word is haunting me. Dead. I took one last moment to kiss him and hug him for the last time then handed his body to Coran. Immediately I stormed to my room for self closure and isolation. But then something popped into my head, something that can destroy me no matter what, yet I must know. I headed to Allura, when I found her she was deeply focused on the front of the ship.

"Is there any chance I can see what the future with Lance could have been?" I asked.

Her eyes opened. "Keith, you shouldn't."

"Please," I said.

She exhaled taking a moment. "Follow me."

We arrived at an empty dark room. She stepped into the middle.

"Keith Kogane and Lance McClain." She voiced.

In seconds programs popped up. It was us smiling, holding hands, sex, an argument. Then the last one. The one that made me burst into tears. It was our own children. I don't know how, but we have kids. I fell to my knees crying.

"I'm so sorry Lance." I whimpered.

~A view of Lance in a glass grave~

"I'm so sorry," I said.

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