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REQUEST BY @kcgamingc

~Lance's POV~

I woke up in bed beside Keith, he was already up reading his book. We've been dating for around 2 years, it's going pretty well. Except there's one thing.

"Morning Keith."

Keith waved.

I've never heard Keith speak in the morning, I've only heard him speak around 12 pm but only after he drank a lot of water. But today, I have a plan. I'm going to scare him and make him speak, by how? Easy, Keith is scared of the dark. Bad fear to have in space, one mission, we were in a galra's spaceship, and the power went off. He clung to me for every single second until the power was back on. So, in exactly 2 minutes and 12 seconds, the power will go off for 5 minutes, leaving us in the pitch black.

"I'll be back, I'm going to use the bathroom," I said getting up.

He nodded. I got up and walked down the hall since there's only a bathroom with stalls. I went into a stall since I actually did have to pee, but as I planned, the power went off, and as I thought, I heard footsteps going down the hall, then silence. "Hello?" I turned back towards the door.

"L-L." I heard a sigh. "L-Lance?"

"Yes?" I said.

"I-I-It's Ke-i-th."

I opened the door, I couldn't see him, but he clung to me.

"Why are you stuttering so much?" I asked rubbing his hair. 'Is it scaring him that much?'

"B-Becau-se eve-ry m-mo-morning I stu-st- " he sighed. "Stutter! Like cr-cr-craz-zy."

"Is that why you don't talk in the morning?" I asked.

"Mhm." He said.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"B-B-Because I a-am sc-scared you wou-wouldn't want s-s-someone who stu-stu-stutt-er."

"Aw babe, don't think that! I would never!" I said.


"Never. But right now, I have to pee." I said.

"O-Ok." He said.

I stepped back about to close the door but he stopped it.

"D-D-Don't clo-clo-se it."

"Still scared?" I asked.

"Mhm." He said.

~the next day/no one POV~

Keith got up, he looked beside him where Lance is sleeping, he smiled then got up. He walked to the kitchen, for once in a while, grabbing a cup of coffee. It was already made since Pidge usually makes it around 9 am, she leaves extra for everyone else.

"Keith! I need to talk to you." Pidge said.

Keith turned, he had the cup of coffee in his hand. "Hm?"

"So, I built something, to help you battle. But I need a few things." Pidge said.

Keith looked at her, waiting for what she needed.

"I need to measure the size of your waist, arm, hand, neck, head, legs...basically your whole body, I need to record the tone of your voice, the muscle power, and a whole lot of other stuff. So, when do you think we could do it?" Pidge asked.

Keith looked at her, not knowing what to say.

"Keith, are you okay?" Pidge asked. "Are you mad at me? I haven't done anything wrong so I don't know why you would be."

Keith was looking around, starting to panic.

"Ok, this is getting pretty ridiculous, can you just answer," Pidge asked. "I haven't had my coffee yet."

"I- uhh-" Keith tried to speak but it was too early, it would all come out as a huge mess.

"Can you please just answer!" Pidge asked.

Keith walked away not knowing what to do, so far the only ones who know about his stutter are Shiro and Lance.

"Oh my god, are you fucking kidding me?" Pidge said loud.

Shiro came into the kitchen. "Hey what's wrong?"

~Lance's POV~

I woke up, I felt Keith laying on my waist.

"Morning hun." I smiled.

He was crying.

I looked down then sat up, I rubbed Keith's head.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I asked.

"I-I-It's m-my st-st-st-stut..." Keith paused his sentence from his lack of patience.


He nodded.

"P-P-Pi-dge wa-s askin-askin-ask."


"M-m-e s-someth-ing ab-out mod-mo-modi- modif-"


Keith nodded. "I-I-I ca-n't ans-anss-wer her."

"Because of your stutter?"

Keith nodded.

"Did she get mad?" I asked rubbing up and down his back.

He nodded again.

"Keith, I'm sure she didn't mean it, it's Pidge, she's only like that when its that time of the month, and it is for her," I said. "Don't worry, she doesn't mean it."

Keith hugged me a bit tighter.

"Th-th-th-ank y-ou."

"Your welcome."

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