74 (Part 2)

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~Still Keith's POV~

It was after school, I was walking Lance to his house since he lived down the street from mine.

"Keith, can you describe what it looks like outside to me?" Lance asked.

I looked around. "Yeah."

I began noticing every big and small feature. The trees are normal. Animals everywhere. I looked at him. He's so fucking cute. I looked around again.

"The sky is like a huge empty ocean, the feeling is smooth. It smells like." I took a breath in. "Water, like front dock of a cottage. The clouds look like a fluffy texture, although the feelings are like a fine mist. The grass is like the feeling of tiny soft blades and the smell is like dirt and water combined. The trees look like beautiful grass stars, on a large wooden pole." I said.

Lance smiled. "What is the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?"

I laughed. "Honestly?"

"Yup," Lance said.

"Probably you."

Lance's cheeks went pink.

"Keith?" He turned his head to me.

"Yes?" I asked.

"What do you look like?" He asked.

I looked at myself, I grabbed his hand and put it in my hair.

"My hair is black, like the night sky with no stars. My skin is a sun and a blank tone." I put his hand on my cheek. "Golden a little." I put his finger on my eye. "My eye colour matches my hair, but it tells stories." I put his finger on my lips. "My lips are a soft pink colour, almost like a flower. My outfit today." I put his hand on my chest. "I'm wearing a hoodie that is red on the left side, the colour of anger and blood, on the right is yellow, the colour of smiles and flowers. Then on the bottom is a navy blue, the colour of the sky before it reaches full darkness." I put his hand on the side of my waist. "I'm wearing black jeans with rips on my knees." I lifted my foot up and let him touch the top of my foot. "And my shoes today are a medium red, not too bright, not too dark."

He smiled. "I wish I could see you."

I smiled back. "I wish you could too."

Lance turned his head away, turning a little pink, we continued walking.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"I don't think I'm supposed to tell you this, but-" Lance turned his head back to me. "I think I have a crush on you."

"Oh? Why is that?" I asked.

"You're very caring for me." He said.

"I mean I try my best to be," I replied.

"Mamà always said, if I ever choose a partner, man or woman. They have to truly love me and care about me." He said. "Do you?"

I paused, not because I don't want to answer, but this is the moment. This is what I have waited for. Lance in seconds frowned.

"I'm sorry, you must be straight." He stuttered a little.

"No, I am gay." I laughed. "Lance, I've been wanting to ask you out for 3 solid weeks." I laughed.

He smiled.

"Would you like to go on a date? Tonight?" I said.

"Yes." He smiled. "But you gotta meet mamà first."

"Ok," I said.

"Are we at my house?" He asked.

"Approaching," I answered.

We came closer and closer to the door, my heart began beating faster and faster. 

"Come in." He said.

"Wait- right now?"

"Yup." He smiled.


"Come in." He dragged me into the house.

~Another fact about moi!
I'm from Ontario, Canada! Je parle un tres petite peu Français! And yes, all of our items are in French and English~

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