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~This was a request from @kcgamingc/Lance's POV~

Keith doesn't sleep. He has Insomnia, its been a week since he's had a good night sleep, he's taken 2 naps but they only lasted half an hour. So far he said he feels like a zombie. He's even cried to me before about how he can't sleep. I feel so bad, Shiro (his older brother) has given him sleep pills to help but nothing. Right now me, Keith, Shiro, Pidge, and Hunk are at my house all playing video games. Well, me, Pidge and Hunk are playing video games. Keith walked into the room slowly, his eyes were squinted, eye bags, messy hair and he had a huge headache. He leaned his head on me.

"It will be over soon," I said.

Out of full honesty, I dont know when it will, this isn't the first time, last time he didn't sleep for 2 weeks and we had to take him to a hospital.

Half an hour later I felt a heavy weight press against my shoulder, I turned and it was Keith peacefully sleeping. I smiled. Yes!

"Hey, Hunk, poke Keiths face to wake him up," Pidge said.

"Got yo-"

I gently put Keith in my lap, not waking him up. I looked at Pidge with a serious look.

"If you wake him up, then a b*tch is gonna die," I said.

Pidge laughed going back to the video game.

"Shiro, take the controller," I said handing him it.

"I dont really-" I put the controller in his hand. "O-kay."

Shiro began playing, I put a hand on Keith's head, my mom did this when I was sick, I would lay on her and she'd put her hand on my head for comfort. Keith was as snug as a bug. After 2 hours everyone started leaving.

"Do you want me to take him?" Shiro asked.

"No, leave him here," I said.

"Okay," Shiro said walking out the door. "Bye Lance."

"Bye," I said.

I checked the time, 4:45 pm, this is the longest he's slept for, I turned the t.v on and began watching Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.1. I lost track of time and watched a couple more movies. I started singing softly, a song Keith loved called Lemon Boy by Cavetown, I saw Keith smiled.

"Keith? Are you awake?" I asked.


"Must be in his dream."

I went back to singing. It was probably 10 pm. I moved Keith carefully and got up going to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and got into pajamas then came back. Still sleeping. I smiled, he is such a cute sleeper, I carefully moved him and laid under him, placing my hands on his lower back, I laid my head back then looked at him. This might be the first time he's slept, I'm so happy!

~10 am~

I woke up and he was still asleep. I went on my phone and played for a bit when I felt movement, Keith looked up at me both eyes open.

"How long did I sleep for?" He asked clear as day.

"Mhmm? You went to sleep around 2 yesterday so, around 20 hours," I said.

"I feel great." He smiled.

"Good." I smiled back.

"Did anyone try to wake me up?" He asked.

"Yup, Pidge and Hunk, I gave them the dirtiest look and said if anyone wakes you up, a bitch is going to die." I laughed.

"Aww." Keith hugged me. "Thanks."

"Of course."

He popped his head back up.

"Can we go for a walk today?" He asked.

"Sure," I said.

He smiled back and rested his head on my chest. He's so happy.

~Thank you to people who corrected me. I had a learning disability in math from grade 1-8 to this day I don't know my times table (I'm in grade 12) I don't know how to multiply certain numbers under 10, I don't know how to divide anything. Yeah I'm pretty much hopeless when it comes to math~

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