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~Keiths POV~

Lance and I were at it again, making out then after pretending it didn't happen. He stopped as our lips separated.

"Thanks, Mullet." He got up satisfied. "See you again, red."

"Bye Blue," I faked a smile.

He stepped out and closed the door behind him. I shook my head at myself ashamed. Shiro walked into my dorm, he paused then continued.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"Can I tell you something?" I asked.

"I'm your older brother, of course!" Shiro replied.

He sat beside me.

"Do you think Lance likes me?" I asked.

He laughed. "Does someone have a crush?"

I nodded no slightly blushing. He put his hand on my neck then pulled my shirt down.

"Hickeys?" He asked.

I froze and moved his hand immediately.

"Who gave you the hickeys?" He smiled.

I sighed. "Lance."

"And you're asking me if he likes you?" Shiro laughed.

"Yes," I said.

"Why would you ask me if he likes you," Shiro said uncertainly.

"I don't know, I'm just wondering," I said.

"But why would he do that if he doesn't like you?" He asked.

I feel like an idiot.

"Shiro, I don't know if you notice, but he's always with this girl, they hold hands, even make out in the halls of college property," I said.

"Then why did he give you the hickeys?"

"I don't know, whenever he comes over he..."

"He what?" Shiro looked sorry.

"He...he makes out with me then leaves as nothing happened! He doesn't even talk to me besides math class and it's usually because I sit beside him." I said.

"Then ask him, talk him straight," Shiro advised.

I nodded. "Thanks."

"Anytime." He said leaving.

As much as he did help, I'm still a bit lost in words on what to say.

~The next day~

I stepped inside my dorm, as the door was shutting I heard someone walk in. I look behind me a little alerted, Lance.

"Hey." I sighed.

"Hey, my little lover." He smirked.

I put my books down as he started to wrap his hands around me than kissing me. I was looking off at the side, I glanced at him here and there. I just feel so ashamed of myself but I can't do anything because...I like him. It feels so wrong but at the same time, I like it. I felt him let go. Now he's gonna leave and forge-

"Is everything ok?" He asked.

I froze with wide eyes. Oh no.

"Y-Yeah," I said looking him straight in the eye.

"No, something's wrong."

I sighed, I sat down and patted the seat beside me.

"Do you like me?" I asked flat out.

"What?" He said confused.

"It's just you always come and kiss me then ignore me till next time," I looked to the side.

"Keith that's not tru-"

He put his hands on my hands but I lifted mine quickly.

"I'm sorry I can't do this," I shook my head. "You can't keep kissing me then leaving and making out with another girl, who is she anyway?"

Lance sighed. "She's my ex, we dated a year ago then broke up, she comes and kisses me to make her boyfriend jealous, I hate it. I've been telling her to stop because I like you, but then she began using it as blackmail, she uses my love for you to get to me. For example, if I was walking down the hall, she would begin kissing me, and whispering in my ear that she will tell the whole school that Lance McCain is bi, and as childish as it is...it's scary."

"But what about pretending I don't exist?" I asked.

"I...have no excuse. I don't know why I do that." He sighed. "Because I do love you, I really do! I just...I don't know. As much as I seem like a kiss and run boy, I'm not, I really like you and I want to become your boyfriend someday. But I can see that for me to do it, I need to take it slow, and as long as I end up with you, I will go as slow as a turtle."

I nodded.

We kissed. A small, sweet and caring kiss.

"Please no more of her," I asked.

"I promise." He said. "I'll do whatever it takes to some day change your last name to McClain, red." He smiled.

I softly blushed. "Let's get to know each other." 

"Better, idea." He stepped out of the room, shut the door then knocked.

"Come in Lance." 

He knocked again. I smiled walking over curious, I opened the door.

"Hi, my name is Lance. We have class together? I want to be friends." He held his hand out. "May I come in?"

I smiled stepping aside. "Of course Lance McClain. By the way, I'm Keith. Keith Kogane."

"That's a pretty name Keith Kogane."

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