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Keith paced around his room furiously drinking milk.

"Uhh, Keith? Are you ok?" Shiro noticed Keith.

"NO!" Keith yelled.

"What's wrong?"


"But you like him?" Shiro put his coffee down trying to understand.

Keith turned quickly. "That's the problem!"

Lance walked in with a smile. He placed Keith's shirt on his bed. "Here's your shirt back babe~♡" Lance kissed Keith before leaving.

"THAT CUTE LITTLE BEAN!" Keith shouted.

He chugged some more milk.

"Aren't you lactose intolerant?" Shiro said.

"I hope it kills me," Keith sat down.

"No, you don't," Shiro said.

"THAT'S THE PROBLEM!" Keith quickly stood up again.

Klance One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now