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~Both boys are 16 and have elemental powers, this is based on "Boy Will Be Bugs" by Cavetown~

Lance strolled through the forest with Keith, each step Lance made, vines would attach to him while every step Keith took burned the ground. They both jumped through puddles, with butterflies floating in each other's stomachs. Lance pushed Keith into a pile of leaves, Keith laughed as he hit the soft padding. Lance went on top of Keith, he slowly moved in, kissing him. Their kisses got intense, and tears rolled down Lance's cheeks.

"What's wrong?" Keith asked, rubbing Lance's back.

"I feel stupid." Lance cried.


"Ugly," Lance spoke.

"Ugly?" Keith asked.

"I pretend it doesn't bother me." Lance cried wiping his eyes.

Bugs and Animals began crawling around the two, creating a circle. 

"I'm not very strong, but, I'll fuck you up if you're mean to bugs," Lance said.

~Both boys were in Keith's room, neither had clothes, but they were both cuddling~

Lance shivered up to Keith, both protected by a blanket from the cold rainy weather. Keith fell asleep, but Lance was awake watching a ladybug on his finger. 

"What's it like in a female world?" Lance asked the ladybug.

~Keith is at his place ~

"Keith please, get a job, do something!" His mom yelled. "I'm worried!"

"After 10 years of focusing on your husband and forgetting about your kid?" Keith grabbed a cigarette from his pocket.

He lit the smoke and took a puff inside the house. 

"Don't you be going anywhere! Keith, it is 11 pm! I do not want you outside." His mom yelled.

His stepdad walked out. "Hey, listen to your fucking mother." 

"Fuck you, you aren't my parent," Keith put his boots on.

When Keith raised his head back up, he got punched right across the face, he fought back, his hair was catching fire as his eyes were going yellow, his skin began turning orange. Keith slapped his stepdad once more and burned his cheek. Keith grabbed his bag and left the house and biked to Lance's house.

~In Lance's room~

Keith had tears in his eye, laying on Lance's chest. Lance rubbed Keith's back and sang. "Don't mess with me, I'm a big boy now and I'm very scary."

Vines from Lance's plants began growing toward's Lance and covered Lance and Keith.

Lance hummed a few more words of the song then fell asleep. 

"Goodnight Keith," Lance whispered.

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