75 (Part 3)

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~Keith's POV~

Lance walked into his house. He swiftly walked through the house without feeling anything. I looked around, noticing everything, the old furniture, the carpet that's been vacuumed, family photos, old t.v, and old plain wallpaper. Reminds me of the '80s.

"Mamà!" Lance yelled.

"Yes my baby boy, I'm in here!" She called in her Cuban accent from the back of the house.

Lance quickly walked over to the very back, I followed him. He walked through the kitchen to a small hall, then into a sunroom. It had plants and showed the forest that surrounded this area. She had the door to the outside open since she was hanging laundry.

"Hello, my baby." She smiled.

Lance hugged her smiling.

"Who's this?" She asked smiling.

"Mama, I think él es el indicado." Lance smiled.

~According to Google translate "Él es el indicado." Means "he is the one"~

She smiled turning to me. "My name is Annia."

"I'm Keith," I said.

"Yes, I've heard, Lance always talks about you and how you help him in school." She smiled.

"Mamà!" Lance turned his head to her.

"Sit, let's talk." She said.

Lance felt around for the seat behind him, his mother sat on the floor folding face cloths.

"Do you want this seat?" I asked pointing to the one behind me.

She smiled. "It's ok, but thank you."

I sat down beside Lance.

"How long have you guys known each other." She asked.

"Since grade 9, so 3 years," I said.

"Do you have a job?" She asked.

"Yes I work as a babysitter, I have my licensed and I have taken medical classes in case of an emergency," I said.

"What do you want to be when you're older?" She asked.

"A pianist," I said.

"Oh yes! Lance has always talked about your talent!" She smiled.

"Mamà!" Lance called again, his cheeks were red.

I smiled.

"Well, I hope it works out." She smiled.

"Thank you," I replied.

"Is it ok if I take Lance out for the night?" I asked.

"Hmm, where?" She asked.

I whispered in her ear my plans, so Lance wouldn't hear. She smiled brightly. "Then yes, but please call me before you both go two sleep for a checkup."

I nodded. My phone began buzzing. I picked it up and answered.

"Hello?" I looked down. "Hey. . . .I'm at Lance's talking to him and his mom. . . .oh? It's that serious." I smiled. "Okay, I'll see you in a bit then. Bye Adam."

I looked at Annia. "I have to go, my brother and his boyfriend are waiting for me."

"It was nice to meet you." Annia smiled.

"It was nice to meet you too," I said. "Bye Lance."

"Goodbye." Lance smiled.

"I'll pick you up at 6:00 pm," I said.

"Ok." He smiled.

I hugged him then kissed his cheek.

"Bye," I said the last time.

I left the house and walked into the woods to my house. My face was red. My heart was pounding. My walking speed was faster than usual. I can't wait to see him.

I can already feel his hands in mine.

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