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~Lance's POV/TW suicidal feelings~


Something everyone in my universe has, except every couple/couple to be have their special connection, all are different. For instance, Pidge's is if she writes on her skin, her soulmate see's what she's writing on their skin. Or for Hunk, if he sings a song, his soul mate will hear the song in their head. Mine took a while to find out, a lot of researching but I finally found out, it's not good, it kills me, I cry when it happens. If I get cut, plants grow in the places I got cut on their skin. But the reason why I cry is that so far all the plants I have on me from them, are from suicidal cuts. So far, I have small pedals on my wrists that are fading, they haven't cut in 2 weeks and I'm so proud. Right now, I'm at a dinner party. Pidge, Hunk, Shiro and Keith are all here, along with a bunch of others. Except Keith...I have a crush on Keith but I doubt he's my soulmate due to the lack of social skills we have, also he said that he and his soul mate can hear each other's thoughts. I sipped a glass of wine when I noticed the pedals blooming. 

"Oh no," I said to myself.

"What?" Pidge asked.

I had tears in my eye. "I'll be back," I said with a voice crack.

I went into the bathroom, no one was here, yes! I went into a stall and began crying quietly, the flowers kept blooming, it didn't stop. 

"Let me help you," I cried in a shaky voice. 

Grey flowers began blooming. "NO! NO! NO! STOP!"

Grey flowers mean they are close to death, but when the black ones appear it means they are dead. 

"Oh my god." I was shaky.

The door to the bathroom slammed open, footsteps came rushing in. "Shit, shit, shit!" 

It was Keith, I can tell by his voice and light footsteps. I stayed quiet, he went into the stall beside me but didn't close the door. 'What is he doing?' I wiped my eyes then flushed the toilet as I covered up the 'why I'm here', I took a second to roll my sleeves down hiding the flowers then walked out. I washed my hands even though I didn't use the bathroom. He's panicking and I think crying, I looked over at him, something dropped from his arm onto the floor. 'What is it?' I looked on the floor, red, blood?

"Keith?" I inspected a little more.

"Mhm?" He answered shaking.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Mhm." He answered still shaky except his voice cracked.

I walked to him. "Turn around."

He didn't move, he froze. I turned his shoulder gasping quickly, the first thing I see is his arms that are covered in bloody toilet paper. "It won't stop bleeding." He cried shaking.

"Keith!" I said. "Who did this to you?!"

"I- uh-"


"Me!" He shouted looking down.


"I did it." He confessed.

"Why? Is something wrong?" I asked gently holding each arm.

"Everything is wrong!" He looked up at me.

"Ok, explain later, let's go get you bandaged before you bleed out," I said pulling him out. 

"I'm getting dizzy." He held his head.

We walked out of the bathroom, he sobbed quietly behind me. We walked through the huge room, trying to make as little attention as possible. We walked  to the medical office which was down the hall. This is Shiro's mansion so we know where everything is. We walked into the medical office, quickly I barged in and headed straight to the medic kit.

"Sit," I patted a chair.

He walked over to the chair then sat down, he was still panicked.

"Calm down Keith, you'll be fine, don't worry," I said. "Deep breaths."

I grabbed gauze and skin tape then went back to him. I started applying pressure then I taped the gauze to him. I raised both arms in the air to slow the bleeding. 

"There, keep your arms up," I said. "The blood flow should slow down now."

"Thank you." He whimpered.

"No problem," I said.

I rolled my sleeves up to wash my hands.

"Lance?" Keith said in a scared tone.


"Are those, flowers coming out of your skin?" He asked.

I looked at my arms. "Yeah, it's a soulmate thing." 

"Is there a small scratch below your hairline at the back of your neck?"

I rubbed my neck. 'The play fight with Jacob' (his older brother) "Yeah, why?"

"Lance look." He said.

I turned, he pulled the hair on the back of his neck up, a small rose. I froze. "Y-Your..."

"My soulmate," He finished my sentence.


I'm so happy! He's my soulmate! He's my soulmate. He's my...soulmate... "Why do you do this to yourself?" I snapped.

He looked to the side. "I don't know." 

"Well you have to stop it, today the pedals went grey." I said.

"I know..."

I lightly put my hands on the bandages. "I care about you, you know."

Keith looked up at me. "I do too."

I released my hands then pulled him into a hug. "Please stop."

Keith slowly put his arms around me. "I will."

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