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~Warning. Shatt us in this~

4:00 pm.

"Hey, Lance?" Keith leaned over.

"Ya," Lance said.

"Pidge, Shiro, Matt, and Hunk are going to the club tonight, they want to know if we'll go,"

"Yeah sure." Lance smiled.

"Yeah sure, what time? Ok, see you then." Keith hung up the phone. "They're picking us up at 6."

"OH MY GOD, I NEED TO GET READY!" Lance said while scrambling to shower.

"It's 4," Keith said.

"I KNOW!" Lance yelled.


"Lance, they're here," Keith said.

"Coming!" Lance said. "How do I lo-?"

Lance wore a white t-shirt, light jean jacket, and black jeans. He paused when he saw Keith.

"Handsome," Keith replied.

"You look incredible," Lance said.

Keith wore a tight white shirt with a rose floral design on the right side, along with black jeans.

The two left and went downstairs and began strutting as soon as the stepped outside.

"Look at this, a limo!" Lance gasped. "We're really gonna get there in style."

Keith opened the door to the car, Matt was sitting between Shiro's legs already drunk. Lance and Keith hopped in, across from them Pidge and Hunk sat innocently.

"Ok. Where're the drinks cause Matt is already drunk." Lance smiled looking around.

"In the cooler," Pidge replied.

Lance went to the back and opened one. After 15 minutes they arrived at the club. There was a huge line.

"Do we have to wait that long," Lance moaned annoyed.

"Shiro!" Someone shouted.

They all looked towards the entrance to see a man standing with open arms.

"Tico!" Shiro smiled approaching the man.

They two hugged.

"What are you doing here?" Tico smiled.

"We came to party," Shiro smiled a little tipsy.

Tico looked over at the long line.

"Jeez, that's a long line," Tico raised his eyebrows surprised. "Come inside."

"But we have to wait," Pidge said.

"I own this, you guys go right in." He offered.

"Thanks, Tico," Shiro smiled shaking Tico's hand.

The music was blaring, drinks are out. This will be a night to remember. 1 hour and 30 minutes past. Lance and Matt were both very drunk. Pidge and Hunk drank the usual. Grape Crush. Keith and Shiro had a few beers. For the most part, 2 stay sober, 2 stay tipsy, and 2 become wasted. Matt started dancing on the counter for the other people.

"That looks like fun!" Lance joined Matt.

Shiro stepped out of the bathroom. Men and women were putting money in both of their pockets.

"Matt! Get down!" Shiro said.

"Come get me." He smiled devilishly.

Shiro smirked and began walking towards him, every large step Shiro took made Matt more and more excited.

"Hey!" Lance turned with sass. "Don't slap my butt."

"Sorry, it's so good. It's hard not to." A man bit his bottom lip.

"Back away from my son!" Matt yelled.

Lance pointed to a tattoo on himself. "I'm married!"

"That's a tattoo." The man said.

"I know!" Lance growled.

"Ok time to get him before he gets beaten up," Keith muttered to himself.

Keith stepped towards Lance.

"Damn, you're a fine lady." The man smiled.

"I'm a man," Keith took offense. "Let me get my husband off." 

"That's your husband? I thought he was a stripper." 

Keith squinted helping Lance down. Shiro came over helping Matt down too. A couple hours later, the squad left waiting for the limo outside.

"Man, that was fun," Lance smiled.

"Ya, it won't be tomorrow for the both of you," Pidge laughed a little.

"Hey, it's gonna be a lot of fun. It's a Sunday which means I can have all the sex I want." Matt cheered.

"Me too!" Lance high five Matt.

"I did not need to know that. Wow." Pidge looked the other way of Matt.

The limo arrived at the bar, they all hopped in and left. Lance fell asleep between Keith's legs.

"Can we do it now?" Matt whined.

"No," Shiro hushed Matt.

"Why not?"

"Because we're not at home," Shiro reminded.

"But I'm horny," Matt pouted.

"I know. But we're not doing it now." Shiro pushed him away. "Hey!" 

Matt tried unbuckling Shiro's pants

"Matt," Shiro shouted slightly. "Not right now!"

"Ughhh." Matt moaned with a bored tone.

The limo arrived at Lance and Keith's place, Keith carried Lance out of the limo, up the stairs, and into bed. 

"This has been a long night, and tomorrow, you will be getting the hugest headache ever," Keith kissed Lance's forehead.

~Update: I went camping for 3 days. . .3 DAYS! AND I COME BACK, TO SEE NOTIFICATIONS OF JUST "YEE"! My boyfriend looked at my phone and just turned to me and said "yee" and I was so confused~

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