76 (part 4)

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~Keith's POV~

It was 5:30 pm, I was pacing around a little nervous. After a whole talk on what to say, what to do, how to dress kinda thing from Adam. I'm finally ready. I looked in the bathroom to look myself over. I had on dark blue jeans, a red and black plaid shirt, a black simple jacket with no real design, blood-red shoes, and a dark red beanie.

"You look great." Adam smiled.

"Remember, be kind, and make sure you both love each other," Shiro added.

"Shiro you were horrible at asking me out, shut up." Adam laughed.

Shiro got up and went to Adam kissing him all over. "But look at us now."

"Alright I'm leaving, don't wanna interrupt your make out."

I grabbed my motorcycle keys then went to the garage, I hopped on my Harley.

"Alright pretty girl, tonight we have a special someone who will join us on a ride." I smiled.

I opened the garage doors with a button I have. Then slowly drove out of the garage. I turned on the radio first song. My favourite song. I put on the helmet and began going.

~In the middle of a gunfight~

I drove by a few houses.

~In the center of a restaurant~

Masterson's son is having a party? No one is home I bet.

~They say~

"Come with your arms, raised high." I smiled.

~Time Skip~

As I rolled up to his house, I checked the time, 5:52pm. I turned my blasting music down and took my helmet off. Should I knock? In a matter of seconds, kids ran to me asking about my bike.


"Niños, ve a jugar!" Annia yelled.

~Again, according to Google, "niños, ve a jugar!" Means "kids go play!"~

"Keith!" Annia smiled. "Park in the driveway then come in."

I nodded and proceeded to do so. I walked in, it was a full house. Kids everywhere, adults all sitting at the table, clearly they all were about to eat, the silverware was set and so were the napkins.

"He's in his room." Annia smiled. "You can go see him."

I looked at the hall. "Okay, but where's-"

I turned my head to ask Annia but she was gone into the kitchen. Okay, Keith. Just an adventure. I walked up the 6 step staircase and walked into a large hallway. One that goes a bit back then I expected. Many rooms. But the same old fashion style. It didn't take me long to find where Lance was. I could hear a soft song playing, humming, and a girl talking. I took a breath in going closer to the door, I knocked on the door. The female looked like Lance. Twins?

"Keith?" She looked at me.


She got up and walked towards me. "Please be nice to him." She whispered.

"Always," I said.

Lance faced the opposite angle of me.

"Lance?" I called.

He got up and turned towards me. Absolutely beautiful.

"Keith? Where are you?" He asked.

He wore a spaghetti strap black tank top, light blue jeans, blue plaid flannel and aqua converse. I walked to him and placed my hands on his waist.

"You look beautiful," I looked him up and down.

He tilted his head down blushing. "Thank you."

"Do you need anything from here?" I asked.

"My phone and my wallet." He said.

"No wallet, I'm paying," I insisted.

He froze turning redder. "Th-thank you. But you don't have to."

I grabbed his phone and put it in his hand. "I want to. Now, shall we go?"

"Yes." He smiled.

I held his hand walking through the hall, down the stairs. I can't believe this. We went to the door, and everyone started saying goodbye, Lance said it back. Then we left.

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