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~The story begins with a supernatural interview, Keith the interviewee~

"Hello, my name is Keith Kogane McClain, I am currently 72 years old. I am, and always will be married to Lance McClain."

"Now tell us the story." The interviewer said.

"Well." Keith began his memory.
"Ever since I was a young boy, I could only see Black and White, at first I thought everyone was like this, there was no such thing as colour. But then my older brother Takashi Shirogane began telling me the colours of the rainbow, it greatly confused me, I've heard of colours but thought certain people could see it. Then when I was about 14..."

Keith was walking into school, looking around at the black and white world, when in the corner...

"Of my eye, I saw a boy."

Keith stared at him with great wonder.

"He was coloured, I could see his blue eyes, brown hair, tan skin, and the rainbow shirt he had on. It was the first time I saw a rainbow. In my eyes, he was absolutely beautiful." He laughed. "It took me a while to talk to him. But a few years after, this changed my life for a long time, we were 17, this is going to get inappropriate but, we went to my house."

The two boys made out walking onto the front porch.

"We were dating at this point for about 2 years, this was the night we lost our virginities."

Keith was laying on top of Lance, taking a breath, Lance had just cummed in Keith.

"I opened my eyes, and I saw colour everywhere, I screamed at first I was so scared, I've never seen anything this colourful except for him." Keith smiled wiping a tear.

Lance looked at Keith with a scared look. "What?"

"I turned to him and I said."

"I can see colour."

Lance hugged Keith with a smile. "How does it look?"

"And I said. Like you." Keith smiled. "Lance went so red, it was adorable."

"So why can't you see colour anymore?" The interviewer asked.

Keith's smile slowly turned into a frown, he sighed. "For many years I studied it, trying to get information. Apparently, it was a soul mate thing, I didn't believe it. But one day."

Keith was 67, he was working as a cashier in a cafe.

"5 years ago."

He was wiping down the tables.

"My whole world began fading away, and the black and white came back." Keith was crying a little. "I panicked."

Keith grabbed his phone immediately calling Lance, no answer, Keith fell to the floor crying, his manager came over panicked.

"My world...it's gone." He cried.

Shiro ran into the cafe. "Keith..." He walked over and rubbed his back

"Wheres Lance?!" Keith cried.

"He's..." Shiro sighed, he also had red eyes from crying, he sat beside him rubbing his back.

"Lance just died," Keith said, he wiped his tears, his voice began going a little high. "It was so hard hearing those words, here and there I will remember colourful moments, Lances smile."

"I'm so sorry that happened, thank you though, we will be doing research into this." The interviewer said.

Keith nodded.

"Have a good day Mr.McClain." the interviewer said.

Keith smiled a little at the last name. "You too."

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