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~Keith's POV/Shatt warning~

We were all on vacation in Florida, Lance and Shiro were surfing, Hunk and Pidge looking at different species of bugs while Matt and I were watching our boyfriends. After the two came back, both dripping from the ocean. Lance laid beside me on his towel and Shiro laid beside Matt on their towel.

"Babe I'm tired, I'm gonna nap," Lance told me.

"Ok," I rubbed his hair.

After a bit, the 2 were sleeping.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Matt smirked holding sunscreen.

"Yes." I smiled.

We both took a bottle and began drawing on our boyfriends. I drew an arrow that started from Lance's chest, moving to Lance's 'boy'. Then above the beginning of the arrow said 'Keith was here.' I grabbed a towel and covered his private so I'm the only one seeing. I unbuttoned his swim shorts and pulled his boxers down revealing his 'boy'. I put small hearts and stars on the side of his boy.

"Smart," Matt said.

I laughed a little putting his boy back in his boxers then pulling his swim shorts up. I pulled his shorts down just a bit not showing anything private but the sunscreen hearts. Now we wait for the tanning to begin.

~An hour after being in the sun/this isn't a realistic time but oh well~

Both boys moaned waking up. Lance stretched as Shiro wiped his eyes. I kissed Lance and walked away.

"What was that for?" He smiled.

He sat up stretching, he looked around then down pulling his shorts up, he paused looking at what I did. "KEITH?!"

Everyone stared at him, he got up and chased me, I ran into the water then began swimming.

"BABE!!!" He yelled chasing me like a shark.

Lance was a faster swimmer since he was a lifeguard in his teenage years. He pushed his hands against mine. I laughed so hard from his reaction I couldn't see. He pushed me into the water but fell with me. We both had our eyes open in the salty water, thankfully it doesn't bug either of us. I smiled as he kissed me, I pulled his shorts down a bit and showed him the hearts. He laughed red. We both went up for air.

"You're too cute." He smiled.

I kissed his cheek, we walked back to the shore. Shiro finally saw his.

"Really?" Shiro smiled at Matt with a smile.

Shiro had a tux design on his chest, then below his belly button it said "Matt's man."

"I'm keeping the bitches away," Matt sassed.

Shiro laughed as Matt kissed him trying to not smile.

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