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~Season 5 Spoilers/Kroila's POV/The first time she saw Keith in forever~

"So you took care of my son while I was gone?" I asked.

"Yup, me and my...ex-husband," Shiro said.


"It's a long story." He said.

"So where is my son?" I asked.

"He should either be in the training room or in Lance's room," Shiro said.

"Okay," I said following him.

A young boy with round glasses was staring at me.

"Umm, why is he staring at me?" I asked Shiro.

"Pidge? Um, that's a she." Shiro laughed. "Anyways, we're at Lance's room. He's always in here."

Shiro walked in first but froze, I was right behind him, and also froze.

"Umm...Keith? We uh, we found your...mom..." Shiro said.

Lance and Keith both froze, pulling the blanket. They were in the middle of...'it'.

"Okay, tell her I'll be out in...2 minutes," Keith called.

"Umm...Keith?" I said.

". . .that's a ladies' voice," Keith said.

The man that was under Keith looked at me then back at Keith.

"She's here," The man whispered.

Keith sat up, wrapping the blanket around his waist.

"I'll be in the hall," I called.

He nodded.

~5 minutes later~

Keith and the man walked out, Keith hugged me tightly, then let go.

"Umm mom, this is my boyfriend Lance." He said.

"I can tell," I squinted at Lance. "What are your intentions on my son?"

"What?" Lance froze.

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