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Warning: The story below is very sad

The song above had nothing to do with what's below, it just sounds cute together.

Warning for mental health (cutting, depression, etc)

~Keith's POV~

Useless. I'm useless.


"KEITH YOU IDIOT!" Lance screamed at me.

(Flashback over)

I-I...I'm an idiot.


"Keith your so stupid." Lance laughed.

(Flashback over)

I'm stupid.


"Oh please. Keith is so dark his hair went black," Lance laughed.

"His hair went black?" Pidge said unrealistically.

"What?" Lance said.

(Flashback over)

But with this knife.

I can end it all.

Tears are streaming down my face.


"Truth," Lance answered.

"If you could kill one person on this ship, who would it be?" Pidge asked.

"If I could kill one person on this ship. Keith." Lance said.

(Flashback over)

Even my crush wants me dead.

What's wrong with me?

What did I do?

I grab the knife and began cutting my wrist slowly and gently, to let me suffer. Blood started streaming as my eyes watered more. I stopped. I didn't want to die from cut wrists. No, I wanted to die in a worse way. I stood up from the edge of my bed and held the knife towards my chest. I'm not okay. I close my eyes and got a better grip.

"I'm not okay," I whispered.

"KEITH!" A scream came from my doorway.

My eyes widened. Oh no. Someone's here! I look over, it's Lance.


I froze.

"Don't do it, Keith!" Lance shouted.

I froze, I never thought I would be in this situation. I thought I could just end it without anyone seeing.

"I'm sorry," I said with a voice crack.

"KEITH NO!" He yelled.

BAM! In my chest. I looked over at him as my body got weak. He ran to me, his eyes were pouring with tears. Blood dropped everywhere. I fell to my knees then to my side.

"KEITH NO!" Lance yelled. "GUYS? ANYONE!"

He hugged me tightly. My eyes closed and everything went black.

Goodbye Lance.

I love you.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. I looked around. What? A hospital? But how? I'm in a hospital bed. I-I died.

"Oh good. Your up." An alien in a doctor's lab coat sighed in relief.

He went into the hall. I could hear him talking to some people. "You can see him."

The gang rushed in immediately. Pidge, Hunk, Coran, Allura and Shiro. They started asking me questions like "How are you feeling?" "Are you ok?".

"Where's Lance?" I asked in a quiet voice.

"Oh. He's gone." Pidge said.

"What?" I freaked out a little.

"Water got the best of him." She said.

"He drowned?!" I freaked.

"No! Pidge you're making it worse than it really is! He's in the bathroom." Shiro nudged Pidge.

"Keith?" A voice whimpered.

I looked in the direction of the sound. Lance.

"Keith!" He ran to me, his arms wrapped around me.

His hug feels warm, I hugged him back.

"You're alive!" He cried.

"Y-Yeah," I patted him.

Why is he reacting like this?

"Why did you do that?!" He cried with tears running down.

I thought he hated me...

"We're gonna leave you two be," Shiro stepped out.

They left.

"Why Keith! Why!" Lance sat on the edge of my bed.

"I'm sorry, I just." I paused.

"You just what?" He wiped his tears.

"I have a crush on you. But ever since we met you always called me something bad. I just...I was going through an episode and I couldn't take it."

"Keith. I'm so sorry." He whimpered.

"No, it's okay. Really." I rested my hand on his.

"Clearly not. You're in the hospital!" He tried making a joke.

"Right," I nodded. "Look, Lance, I just-"

He pressed his lips against mine cutting me off, I jumped a little surprised. He pulled back rubbing my hair.

"Don't do that again," He squinted at me a bit mad.


"I love you, Keith." He said.

. . .

"I love you too."

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