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~Lance's POV~

College. The one place where mature adults can go to learn. Hunk and I are playing the latest video game, Zombies, it has so many cool features! Mr.Sharp Shooter (A.K.A Me) is winning. Keith was going to be here but he has to study for an exam.

"Here." Pidge threw my sweater at me.

"What?" I moved it aside.

"Keith doesn't want it anymore." Pidge stepped over to the fridge

"What? Why?" I asked slightly panicked.

I heard Pidge mumbled a lot of words then.

"and that's it, I don't know why?" Pidge said.

I didn't hear the middle. Is he...is he breaking up with me?

"Is he breaking up with me?" I asked.

"Yuh." She said.

"What?" I panicked looking around.

I put the controller down and leaned forward, running my fingers through my hair.

"Game Over." The video game said.

"He's breaking up with me?" I repeated. "Where's my phone?"

I started crying, I have bad butterflies.

"It's okay." Hunk rubbed my back.

"It's not, I really loved him, like really, why would he do that?" I asked in tears.

Pidge came out. "Why are you crying?"

"Because you said Keith is breaking up with me," I answered with voice cracks.

"No!" Pidge said. "I said he wants to return your sweater because it has a hole in it, then he wants you to fix it because he doesn't know how to, and that's it, I don't know why."

"But when I asked you if he was, you said Yuh," I said.

"I said Naw." She said.

Pidge! Learn to say your words properly!" I yelled.

"Your face is pouring tears right now." Pidge smiled.

"He's also a bit shaky." Hunk poked me.

"Want me to call Keith?" She asked.

I nodded. He was only down the hall since we are in dorms. She called his phone, then started talking. Next minute Keith walked in.

"Babe come, I still need to study." He held his hand out standing at the door.

I nodded following him with his hand. He kissed me.

"Don't worry about me breaking up, that's never going to happen." He led me to his dorm.

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