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April fool fails in Voltron. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Lance's Prank

Lance had a camera in the corner of the room, showing his bed and the door, he had a prank that everyone knew about, everyone said it was dumb and that Lance will die. His response was 'It will be worth it.' ...he's dumb... anyway. Allura was in Lance's bed in a tank top and stretchy pants, but with Lance over top with no shirt and the blanket over their waist, they looked like they were having sex. Perfect. Now they wait for Keith.

Footsteps came down the hall, then into the bedroom, Keith walked in, looked at them, then walked out.

"Did he see?" Allura whispered.

Lance shrugged his shoulders looking back confused.

"Keith are you okay?" Shiro asked from the hall.

Keith came back in the room holding his knife up. "So you think you can cheat on me?!"

Shiro held him back. "Keith no!"

Lance got up showing the clothes on the two. "Babe it was a prank!" Lance held his hands up.

Keith squinted at the two, he put his knife back into his pocket walking over to Lance. "If you ever cheat on me...I will kill you, don't think I won't."

Lance nodded nervously. Keith looked at him then kissed Lance's cheek for a second. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hunk's Prank.

Hunk had a prank to scare Lance with, a fake tarantula since back at the garrison one of the students put a fake one in the sheets of Lance's bed, when he went to bed, he screamed like a little girl. Hunk sat into a space between the bed and the wall, a small space really, but it was beside his pillow. It was night time, around Lance's sleeping time. Except, where is he?

"Ahh, Lance." Keith moaned. "Not in the hallway."

Hunk's eyes grew wide, he looked over, Keith and Lance were walking into the bedroom making out.

"It's okay, Lance is too young, he's still an angel." Hunk whispered to himself quietly.

"Wanna do it?" Keith asked.

"Mhm," Lance said.

"Oh, no..." Hunk whispered.

He pulled out his phone messaging Pidge.

Hunk: I went to prank Lance in his room but now I'm stuck beside his bed and I think he's about to have sex.

Pidge: WITH WHO?!

Hunk: Keith.

Pidge: Oh, that's fine then.


"Okay," Keith said.

Clothes were dropping everywhere, soon the two went on the bed pecking at each other. Hunk laid under the bed since there was a large gap from the floor to the bed.

Hunk: Get me out!

Pidge: Sorry, I'm showing Coran a new thing I built but I don't trust him being with it by himself.

"Ahh, Keith~" Lance moaned.


Shiro's Prank

Shiro was pranking Pidge, not the greatest prankster, but he tries. He was in the kitchen drinking his morning coffee. Pidge walked in, half asleep and dead looking.

"Go sit down, I'll make you coffee," Shiro said.

"Ok, thanks." Pidge walked to the table and sat down.

Shiro poured the coffee into the cup then added a spoonful of salt. He was trying not to laugh at his 'genius' prank. He handed it back to her trying to not laugh.

"Thanks." She said, she took a sip and stared forward. "Spoonful of salt?"

"How?!" Shiro yelled.

"It treats my saltiness." She said taking another sip.

"Why are you still drinking it?" He asked.

"Better question, why are you still drinking it?" She asked looking at him.

He looked at his cup concerned. "What?"

"Have fun not sleeping." She mumbled.



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