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~This one was @kcgamingc /Cheerleading and Football au~

Keith Kogane: the lightest person on the cheerleading team/stands on the top of the pyramid.

Lance McClain: Popular high school football player.

~Lance's POV~

This was a regular football game, with over 200 people since it's only a high school game. I was in the change room, had everything on but my upper gear and a shirt. All the boys are hyped, saying our cheer.

"Mr.Loverboy, your candy is here." One of the football players said.

I smirked and turned around. It was Keith, he had a smile as he kissed me. He had a red skirt on that's loose and a red and white tank top that showed his stomach when he raised his arms. He kissed me and everyone in the change room 'ooh-ed' one person yelled 'Get a room'. I smiled and shook my head at Keith.

"I'm so sorry." I laughed.

"It's okay." He laughed back.

I put on my shirt and other equipment over top.

"Since it's a big game I came here to wish you luck." He smiled.

"Aww," I said. "Thanks, babe,"

He smiled.

"Keith let's go, we're gonna start." A woman called.

"Yes, Ms.Cheri," Keith said.

Keith kissed me one last time then left. The boys and I hyped ourselves up before running onto the field going into positions. Here and there I would look at Keith, his smile brought me courage. It's the fourth quarter, the very last game. We all got into positions in the middle of the field when the music went out. I and the other football players were a little suspicious. I'm the quarterback so I focused on the ball, I heard wires spark then a huge creek. I looked towards the noise, it came from right beside the cheerleaders. Okay, this got me a bit worried. The cheerleaders didn't notice and started doing the pyramid. Keith was on top, as usual, I heard another creek, then a snap. Boom! A huge stadium light began to fall towards the cheerleaders.


I ditched the game sprinting to Keith.

"KEITH MOVE!" I shouted.

He looked at me, one by one the cheerleaders ran, dropping Keith.

"KEITH MOVE!" I shouted again.

Keith looked up as he was on the ground and put an arm over his head, the light came down.

"KEITH!" I shrieked. "OH, MY GOD!"

I ran to Keith with all my energy, a huge dust cloud wooshed out.

"Keith?" I called.

I heard a cough. "Lance?"

I ran to his voice.

"Keith!" I said in relief.

He was lying on the ground.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

His eyes got droopy, he blinked a lot but slower by the second. Finally, his eyes closed. I looked all over him, his legs were filled with glass and his right hand was bruised badly.

"I NEED HELP!" I screamed.

Everyone was panicking. I picked up Keith bridal style and started running.

"HELP!" I shrieked.

Keith was still passed out in my arms. What do I do?! How do I help him?! People are panicking, finally, sirens began to sound and paramedics were here, I ran to them and they took Keith.

"Let me come!" I said to the paramedic, after a bit of persuading they finally allowed me to come.

I was in the back of the ambulance waiting for us to arrive, finally, after what felt like forever we arrived at the hospital, we rushed down the hall and Keith's eyes started opening.

"Keith?!" I said with a shaky voice.

He looked around slowly then back at me. "What happened?"

"I'll explain later."

The nurse stopped me and asked me to wait in the patient's room. I watched Keith get taken away, mixed emotions I sat in the waiting area. I texted Shiro, he said he had to stay at the school to help but keep him updated. I stayed at the hospital for a long time. A nurse came out.

"Lance?" She called.

"I looked up, is he okay?!" I asked in a panic.

She smiled. "Room 1207."

I ran down the hall to his room, still all my Football equipment on. Finally, approaching the room, I rushed inside, he was laying there with wires going through his arms and casts over his legs.

"Lance?" He called in a bit of a shaky voice.

"Keith!" I hugged him tightly. "Oh, thank god you're fine!"

He smiled and hugged me back, next I gave him one long kiss because I was craving his lips.

"What time is it?" He asked.

I checked my phone.

"3:13 am."

"You stayed here for so long, for me?" He asked. "You're still in your uniform"

"Of course! I was so worried!" I said.

He smiled. I looked at him, he almost died, the light landed inches away from him, it could have crushed his tiny body leaving him de-

"Lance?" He wiped my face.

I looked at him.

"You're crying?" He said.

I realized my tears were dripping. I put my head on his chest kinda like a hug.

"You almost died..." I replied in a shaky voice.

"But I didn't." He said rubbing my hair.

I cried a bit harder. Thank you, for letting him survive.

Thank you.

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