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~This is unrealistic, but I randomly thought about this during my careers class, so why not/In a universe where Keith is pregnant with Lance but they're in high school/I re-read this and found a lot of errors so here's the updated one/Keiths POV~

"Are you going to be fine?" Lance asked. "Is the baby gonna be fine? What about your temperature, you're not sick, are you?"

I laughed. "No."

Lance wasn't this worried at the beginning of the pregnancy, except for now, the baby was due last week so we're expecting her at any time. Shiro (my older brother) is the teacher of the class beside mine right now, so if anything happens I can just call him. Oh, why do I have to be pregnant during my last year of high school?

This is the fourth period, the last class of the day, also my history class. I sat in front of the class, closest to the door for 'pregnancy' problems. I started getting small cramps, better use the bathroom.

"Miss? Can I use the bathroom?" I asked.

She nodded. I walked to the bathroom and as soon as I sat down, I began peeing. But then I got cramps. A little cautious I went back to class. My cramps grew stronger, I couldn't focus, they were bad. They were getting stronger and happening more often.

"Keith? Are you ok?" Ms.Crisk asked.

"I think, I'm beginning labour." I felt my stomach.

"Keith, take breaths, I'm going to get Shiro." She said leaving.

I nodded. After 2 minutes, Shiro ran inside.

"Let's go, Keith," Shiro said calmly. "You have 1 hour."

Galra time drastically speeds up, my mom gave birth to me after 10 minutes of contractions. But because I'm part human, it's longer. But only an hour.

2:20 pm.

"Shiro, I'm scared," I said slowly walking down the hall.

"I know Keith," Shiro said. "But in just an hour, you and Lance are going to have your daughter, remember the one you both were excited for? It's ok to be nervous, everyone who goes into labour is nervous and scared. But your strong, plus you won't feel anything at first since your getting a c-section."

I nodded, that actually did help a lot. We arrived at Lance's class. My contractions were closer and stronger, I cried in pain walking inside the gym with Shiro. The whole class was playing basketball, I saw Lance in the far corner playing basketball with Pidge and Hunk. Shiro and I walked in towards the supply.

"Hi, excuse me, I'm Mr.Takashi, I need Lance McClain for the rest of the period," Shiro said.

"What for?" He asked in a stern voice.

I gripped Shiro's arm holding my stomach. "This baby isn't waiting!"

"He's in labour and Lance McClain is the father," Shiro said.

My breathing got heavy.

"Is this a joke? There's no way an average male could be preg-"

I grabbed his collar pulling him towards me. "This child is not waiting and I need my boyfriend!"

The man looked at me a little in fear then turned back to the class, he called Lance with a scared tone. Lance turned around.

"What?" Lance moaned annoyed turning around, he froze when he saw me. "Now?"

"Now!" I said.

My breathing got heavier, I started breathing in and out through my mouth.

"Oh my god! I'm gonna be a father!" Lance squealed.

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