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~Hi! Guys, gals, binary pals, and animals! How're you doing? I'm still alive, I promise. Anyways, here's another one-shot. I'm turning this one-shot into a book, but these are little scenes~

"Good morning everyone, today is day 4 on our schedule, please stand for the national anthem." The announcements spoke.

"Where's Klance?" Hunk whispered to Pidge

"Bathroom." Pidge rolled her eyes.

"Again? Both of them?" Hunk asked.

"Yup." Pidge nodded. "Should we skip?"

Hunk gasped like Pidge shot someone. "Skipping is bad!"

"Not if they don't know you did," Pidge smirked.

~Another Scene/Smut warning~

"Ahh." Lance moaned, covering his mouth in the boy's washroom.

Keith was on his knees sucking his boyfriend. Cum was dripping down his chin. The bathroom door opened, then closed.

"Alright, you fuckers, who's sucking who?" Pidge said.

Keith swallowed the cum and smiled up at Lance. "Guilty."

Lance covered his face still catching his breath. Keith took a baby wipe and cleaned Lance's dick while he was blushing like crazy. It kept throbbing. Lance put his dick back in his pants then walked out with Keith, it clearly showed. Keith rinsed his mouth in water.

~Another Scene~

"You sucked Lance in the boy's bathroom?" Shiro asked as he was driving.

"How do you know?" Keith asked.

"Lance doesn't moan quietly, I heard him from the hall," Shiro shouted.

"Yeah." Keith looked out the window, craving a joint.

~Another Scene/FYI They don't know that Pidge is a girl~

"Hey, Pidge, what's up?" Hunk said through the phone.

"The boys and I are gonna do a ritual tonight, want to join?" Pidge said in his persuasive way.

"Nope! No way!"

~Another scene~

The 4 boys were walking through the dark forest, to the beach.

"I don't think we should be here." Hunk shivered from nervousness.

"It's fine Hunk, just don't worry." Lance smiled.

"Easy for you to say." Hunk replied. "I panic easily, and walking to the beach, through a dark forest with one flashlight at 2 am doesn't scare you? The sun isn't even out!"

"Just relax, if anything happens we have a cellphone, plus it's four teenage boys," Keith said pulling out a joint. "Have a puff, it calms you down."

"No thanks." Hunk said inspecting the weed.

~Another Scene~

"Did you guys hear that?" Hunk asked clinging to Pidge.

"It's the animals trying to talk to you," Keith said.

"Mhm, you're high." Hunk replied.

Another growl came, this time from the water. Everyone's attention faced that. In seconds the sun began to lower down instead of up, slowly, but each round gaining more speed quickly. Soon the sun and the moon were racing around the sky, circling the earth. The four boys got up and began running back into the forest. All at the same time, all four boys fell into the dirt, but through the ground.

~Another Scene~

"Are those, earthlings?!" A man with orange hair freaked out.

"Yes. . ." A completely purple lady said frightened.

"What do we do?! They don't exist!" The orange man freaked.

~I know I haven't posted since January, sorryyyy~

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