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"I dare you to let us go on your phone, and message anyone," Pidge smiled.

"What?!" Lance freaked. "You know what, fine. I'm sure they'll understand that's its a joke."

Pidge and Hunk started looking through Lance's phone, Hunk pointed out a few people but Pidge had one person in mind. She clicked the messages then looked back at Lance.

"Remember Lance, you can do shit okay, you have to sit there and face what's coming," Pidge said.

"Okay," Lance replied clearly worried.

"Okay," Pidge smirked.

Messages below:

Lance: Hey

Keith: Hey

Lance: So, I've been thinking. I'm kinda into you and I was wondering if you were free someday?

"PIDGE! OH MY GOD!" Hunk freaked.

"What?" Lance quickly grasped the phone. "OH MY GOD PIDGE GIVE IT BACK!"

Lance tried to get it back, he climbed onto Pidge but still, her smart mind outdid him. Finally, he was centimeters away from the phone.

"Wait! He's messaging back!" Pidge said.

Lance sat up waiting.


Keith: Wow Lance, I never took you as a guy like that. But yea, I'm free on Friday if your fine with that.

"OOOOOHHHHH!!!!!" Hunk said.

"Who has two thumbs and just got you a date with your crush, this boi," Pidge smiled pointing her thumbs at herself.

"I don't even know what to say," Lance froze.

"Say that you can make it," Pidge said.

"Right," Lance messaged back.


Lance: Ya, that day is good, I'll pick you up.

Keith: Okay. Bye.

Lance: Bye

~Meanwhile back in Keiths home~

"I can't believe you got me a date with Lance," Keith blushed staring at the messages.

"You guys suit each other, I knew it would work!" Shiro shrugged.

Klance One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now