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~Keith and Lance both live on Instagram.

Over 4k is on~

"So on Twitter, we asked you all to ask us first-time questions. So we're gonna answer them." Lance smiled leaning on Keith.

Keith started scrolling through his phone.  "What was your first profile picture, oh no."

Keith started laughing as they both went through there phones. 

"What?" Lance asked.

"I was going through a stage," Keith said.

Keith showed the camera, it was a picture of him looking at the camera. He was basically goth, black eye-liner, black straightened bangs that went passed his eye, pale skin. He continued laughing. 

"I personally like mine. "Lance said.

Lance showed the camera, he had low waist pants, a huge grey sweater then making gang signs with his hands. 

"Ok Mr.Fuckboy," Keith smiled rolling his eyes.

"Hey!" Lance hissed.

Next question.

"First kiss with," Lance said. "I remember, it was a girl in kindergarten, Jackie? Jacey? I don't remember."

Keith tried so hard to stop himself from laughing.

"I'm so sorry," Keith giggled. 

"What?" Lance asked.

"Well remember when you were in grade 9, I was in grade 10, well... you know the captain of the grade 12 football team?" Keith asked basically trying to protect himself.


Keith nodded.


Keith nodded laughing. "It was a dare."

Lance laughed harshly. "YOU KISSED MY COUSIN?"

Keith hugged Lance practically in tears from laughing. "I'm sorry!!!" 

Lance shook his head. "Let's just go to the next question."

Keith nodded smiling.

"First time?" Lance said. "First time in what? This video is for the first time."

"Sex," Keith answered pointing at the phone.

"Ohhh," Lance said. "Well, you know how the majority of you ship Klance. So this guy who happens to sit right beside me was my first time. 3 years ago."

The comments were going wild.

"Same here," Keith smiled. 

"We are a couple, we've been a couple for about 4 years." Lance laughed.

"Enough questions?" Lance looked at Keith.

Keith nodded. Lance kissed Keith quickly right before he ended the live.

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