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Lance and Pidge worked in the local bookstore, Lance re-arranged the books from the unproper spots to the proper spots. A man walked in, black mullet, punk-biker style and super hot. Lance stared with his mouth gaped open, Lance proceeded to walk around picking a few books trying his best not to stare, Lance walked around a corner- Bam! Lance stepped back from the collision, his books scattered all over.

"Hey watch where your goi-"

Lance looked up. It was the cute mullet guy.

"S-sorry," Lance said.

The mullet guy helped pick up the books that fell. Lance looked at his...pants.

"Watcha looking at?" Pidge smirked after seeing the whole thing on the cameras.

The mullet guy gave the books back to Lance and walked away.

"OH, uh nothing," Lance said.

"Nothing, aye? Seems like you were looking at his butt." Pidge said.

"Nope! His pants!" Lance answered nervously.

"Uh huh?" Pidge smirked. "Excuse me? Emo kid that has a mullet."

The mullet dude turned with a strange look.

"My buddy Lance over here likes your, pants," Pidge said.

"My pants, aye." He raised an eyebrow.

Lance walked away all flustered.

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