78 (Last Part)

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~Keith's POV~

I never thought someone who was a stranger could become more than important. Shiro always said that's how love works, and I didn't believe him.

Until I met Lance.


"Yes?" I replied.

"What do our surroundings look like?" He asked.

I stopped the motorcycle and put my foot on the ground. "Dark, we are on a dirt road that separates two dark forests that should have met, there are houses separated by a great distance. The stars in the sky look as if someone put a dark blue blanket in the sky with holes in it."

Lance smiled, he held me a little tighter. "Thanks."

I smiled too. We took off again, slowly driving down until we approached an old house that had fairy lights all over it, I pulled in the driveway.

"Ok Lance, we're here," I said.

"Where are we?" He asked.

"My house." 

I got off then helped Lance off, we walked to the front door than inside together. We both took off our shoes, immediately a medium blue - dark blue dog came running.

"Hey, Cosmo." I smiled.

"Cosmo?" Lance repeated.

"Yes, Cosmo is my blue dog, his fur matches the night." I smiled petting him.

"Really? I've never heard of a dog like that." Lance said.

"He's not an ordinary one when I was walking around in a forest, I saw him as a puppy crying. So I went to him and brought him back to my orphanage. The thing is, I found him beside a radioactive power plant. Something must have gotten to him. But now he's all mature and is still acts like a puppy." I smirked looking at Cosmo.

Lance laughed. My cheeks flushed with red. His laugh is so adorable. "Do you want to go to my room?"

"Sure." He said.

We both walked upstairs, to the attic, a big open room with tons of space fantasies. "Here we are."

Lance began walking around slowly, feeling everything. I can tell he recognized most things since he asked about them. I sat on my bed watching, I turned up my small radio. I could see Lance's hips began swaying back and forth a little. I smiled and got up towards him, I kissed his neck as my hands were around his waist, his back to my stomach, both of us swaying at his paste. This is relaxing, I feel like a palm tree. Lance turned around, he put both of his hands around my neck, then began swaying, I put my hands around his waist smiling. We danced for about 10 minutes.

"Lance?" I kept swaying with him. 


I took a breath in. "Will you be my boyfriend?" 

He smiled and turned red. "Of course."

We went back to dancing, after a couple more minutes we settled for telling stories while slightly cuddling.

"I should call my mom," Lance said.

"Ok," I grabbed my phone.

Lance began telling me her number so I can dial it. It began dialling.

"Hola mama!. . . . . si. . . . . . si." Lance laughed at the last yes. "Ok, Buenos Noches mama. Adios." He passed the phone back and I hung up.

Lance put his head back on my chest. "Continue your story."

I continued, about 5 minutes later, Lance was asleep, I smiled and put a blanket on him then kissed his forehead.

"Good night Lance."

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