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~Keiths POV/17 years old~

Stupid Shiro, thinking he's my dad and banning me from smoking by taking my pipe and bag of...' magical stuff'. Well, I have an extra pipe and more magical stuff. I walked into my room making sure it's closed behind me, then I went to my bed and grabbed a shoebox with my pipe and magical stuff in it, this pipe is a special one, it has my red lion design on it. I put the 'magical stuff' in then lit it up, I breathed in the smoke. This feels so good, I haven't had this for a month. I held my bag to my side to make sure I can hide it. I inhaled it a second time when someone came in, I put my hand over my mouth and nose quickly. Shiro. Uh oh.

"Hey buddy, so I've been thinking, maybe I've been too hard on you..."

I slowly opened my mouth to let a few smoke out at a time, not being noticeable.

"-and I'm thinking since you've been good for a month, I'm returning your pipe." He said.

He placed it on my desk.

"Is everything okay?" Shiro asked.

I nodded quickly. Lance ran into the room.

"Keith! Hunk wants to see us kiss." Lance said.

Uh oh. I quickly shook my head no.

"What?! Why?" Lance asked. "Is there something wrong? I've kissed you before."

I nodded no.

"Okay then," Lance leaned in kissing me.

The smoke came out and Lance choked. I blew the smoke out, getting up to help him.

"Are you okay?!" I asked.

"Why are you smoking?" Lance asked.

Shiro glared at me angrily, he grabbed the pipe he took and my special one.

"No no no no," I repeated. "Shiro, no."

"I trusted you." Shiro sighed grabbing my other one.

"F*ck!" I said.

"Language!" Shiro said.

"Can this get any worse," I mumbled.

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