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~In a dimension where certain boys can get pregnant/Keith's POV~

Can't believe I'm doing this. I walked down the halls of the spaceship quickly and nervously. Finally, I found Lance, he was in the training centre with the others. He just killed 2 robots. So far the only people who know about this secret are Shiro and Pidge. I couldn't tell Hunk because he's too close to Lance.

"Lance?!" I yelled.

He didn't hear me. I walked in the room keeping cautious since there were bouncing balls flying everywhere at top speed.

"Lance!" I shouted.

Nothing. I walk closer, in the corner of my eye was a ball flying top speed towards me. It was nearly inches away from my stomach when Shiro caught it. I froze.

"Thank you!" I said.

I wrap my arms around my stomach with caution. Why am I reacting slower? Is it the baby? It couldn't be...I'm only like a few weeks in so my reaction time shouldn't be affected. That's something I should check in with the doctor. Finally, I reached Lance.

"Hey, babe," Lance smiled.

"Hi- uhh...can I talk to you?" I asked.

"Of course." He smiled leaving.

We started walking to the hall.

"Keith!" Pidge yelled.

I turned my eye and seen a ball heading towards me again. I moved back making it hit Lance right in the sunshine. He stopped, then fell to his knees.

"HOLY MOTHER OF ALL QUIZNAK'S!!!" Lance yelled painfully.

"Ok yeah, let's get out of here," I walked out.

Lance got up in pain and followed me. We reached the hall, he was still a little hunched over.

"You could have helped me there! I don't know, maybe a little. 'Hey, babe! Watch out!'" 

"Yeah, sorry." I rubbed the back of my head. "So, lately, we've been having...sex...unprotected." I started.


"Well...we're gonna be parents," I said in a rush closing my eyes.

"What?" He said.

"I-I'm pregnant," I said.

Lance froze. He backed up a bit. Uh Oh, this doesn't look good.

"You're serious?" He raised an eyebrow.

I nodded nervously.

"Ok, very funny. Pranks over." Lance laughed.

"No, I'm serious,"

"Wait, you are?" He's in disbelief.

"Yes! We're gonna be parents." I smiled slightly.

He ran to me and kissed me, I had to back up a bit. My arms rested around his neck and his rested around my waist.

"I love you!" Lance smiled.

"I love you too!" I smiled back.

"We're gonna be great parents! I promise! I'm not ever ever ever gonna leave you." Lance marched around proudly.

I smiled.

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