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Keith played with his toy in the park. Lance ran around the park, happy as can be. Accidentally, Lance stepped on Keith's toy, breaking it.

"Hey!" Keith shouted.

"Don't worry. It's only a toy." Lance smiled.

"Ya but that's my toy!" Keith whined.

Lance stuck his tongue out.


Keith peacefully read his book. Lance grabbed the book and ran.

"Lance! Could I please finish the book." Keith sighed facing his attention to Lance.

"Fight me." Lance smiled.

Keith rolled his eyes and chased Lance. They began punching each other and play fighting. 

"Ow!" Keith held his nose, blood poured out.

Lance's eye began brusing. Lance gave the book back with his hand out.

"Sorry?" Lance held out.

"Sorry." Keith shook it.

After the accident

Keith walked into the middle school with Shiro. Keith's eyes were a bright red from crying. His parents just died 2 days ago. As they walked down the hall of the school, Lance came.

"Isn't it the crybaby." Lance laughed.

Keith ran right at Lance pining him on the locker.

"You don't know what it's like to not have parents cause your a spoiled little piece o-"

"Keith!" Shiro stopped him. "That's enough."

Keith looked back at Lance then left. Lance was definitely became worried.

Date: January 2nd

During gym. Keith started choking. Almost like he had no air. He started panicking while walking quickly to the teacher. Before he could make it, he passed out in the middle of the gym. Lance ran frantic to Keith.

"SIR!" Lance yelled for the teacher.

Date: January 24th

Keith was allowed back to school. He sat in class. Lance a few rows back from him. Keith started coughing a lot, almost like another choke episode. Except this time, blood coughed up. The teacher rushed to him bringing him to the office.

Date: February 15th

Keith hasn't been to school since the bloody cough. After school, Lance saw Shiro walking to his car in a rush.

"Shiro!" Lance called.

Shiro turned. "Oh, hey Lance."

"Umm. I just wanted to know, where's Keith?" Lance said.

"In the hospital," Shiro continued to his car.

Lance stopped him. "What!"

"He isn't coming back to school. Ever." Shiro said.

"What! Why?" Lance said.

"It's better not to tell you," Shiro opened the back door putting his gym bag in.

"What! Please tell me. I promise I won't tell anyone." Lance said.

Shiro didn't say a word. Instead he adjusted his bag around.

"Tell. Me." Lance said.

After 30 seconds of begging.

"Because he has cancer!" Shiro blurted.

Lance's eyes widened. "What."

"He has terminal cancer. And the doctor said he doesn't have much time. Keith doesn't know that though." Shiro said.

"Take me to him!" Lance said.

"What? No!" Shiro said.

"Please Shiro. I knew him since we were little." Lance begged even harder than before. "I know we may seem like enemies, but there's things I've always wanted to do with him! I want to hold him, and ask him out! I wanted to kiss him, and feel his clothes! If I knew he had such little time I would have rushed things to happen quicker." Tears rolled down Lance's cheeks like someone turned on a faucet.

Shiro looked around then back at Lance. "Get in the car."

"Thank you," Lance rushed in.

They drove for about 30 minutes. Finally arriving at the hospital. Shiro went into the elevator and pushed 10. After a minute, they walked down the hall and made a few turns before entering a room with a lone boy in there. Keith had a hospital dress on with very little hair on his head.

"Hey, Keith!" Shiro entered first.

"Hey," Keith smiled softly. "Wait, why is he here?"

"He wanted to see you," Shiro said.

"Oh," Keith squinted a little, clearly suspicious. "Here to make fun of me?"

"No! I swear!" Lance said.

20 minutes went by, Shiro left due to trouble at work. Keith had to admit. He was having a good time with Lance. Both boys were smiling. But silence came. Lance leaned in and began kissing Keith. Both boys melting into it.

"Hey, I jus-"

Both boys froze and turned.

"It's ok. I just need my document. You two continue." Shiro stepped in grabbing a folder from Keith's desk then slipped out.

After 3 hours. Lance left.

Date: March 29th

The teacher got off the phone with the office.

"Lance, grab your stuff and walk to the office." The teacher said.

"Now what did I do," Lance mumbled to his self.

He walked to the office. Shiro was in tears. Lance paused shaking his head. He entered the office already knowing what happened.

"Lance?" Shiro said.

Tears were forming in Lances eyes.

"Keith passed away," Shiro tried his best to stay strong but the whimpers in his voice couldn't stop.

Lance broke out crying.

Date: April 1st. AKA: April fools day

Lance sat in front of the grave.

"Hi, Keith! It's April fools day. And I thought why not say something funny." Lance said. "When I say Vol, you say Tron. Vol?"

Lance paused. He started crying. "You never get it right."

"But that's what I love about you."

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