73 (part 1)

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~Keith's POV/ShiroXAdam is in this~

"I'm panicking," I barged in the room.

"Why?" Shiro asked he was sitting at his desk in our home doing work.

"I uh, I get butterflies when I'm near this guy," I said.

"Sounds like a crush." Shiro smiled immediately.

"Wh- how?!" I asked.

"It's a father sense." He sipped his tea.

"It's not a crush!" I denied.

Shiro gave me 'the look'. 

"I just. . . I want to make him laugh, enjoy moments with him. Feel his hands in mine. Feel his lips on mine. Allow him to see the world through my eyes instead of his own ones." I said.

"What's wrong with his eyes?" Shiro asked.

"He's blind," I said.

"Hmm, are you sure it's not a crush?" Shiro asked.

I covered my red face with my hands. "Okay, maybe I do have a crush on him."

"Did I hear a crush?" Adam slid into the room.

"Hey, hun." Shiro smiled.

"Okay, who is she?" Adam asked.

"Uhh, Adam?" Shiro said. "It's a boy."

"Even better!" Adam yelled. "Who is he? Where is he?"

"His name is Lance, he's in my grade. He has gorgeous tanned skin, soft silky hair, speaks Spanish and English. He's the kindest person in the world. Except he has no eyesight, although his eyes are a beautiful blue. I help him around in school. He calls me his 'Special Friend.'" I smiled sharing every detail I have.

"He sounds nice, why don't you ask him on a date? Tomorrow night? At the restaurant by the movies? Then take him here for a sleepover, we will be out of town for the night." Adam said.

"Me?! Ask him out?! I can't do that, it's not easy." I shook my head.

"Sure it is, you want him right?" Shiro asked.

"Of course I do," I nodded.

"Then ask him out, tomorrow at school," Adam said.

"Uh, okay." I rubbed the back of my neck leaving to go to my bedroom.

I laid on my bed, not sleeping, but thinking. Too much thinking. Does he like me? Will he reject me?

~Time skip to school because I'm a lazy writer haha~

I walked down the hall to the office since that's where Lance waits for me. I smiled approaching it, he was sitting on the same chair with his fully red cane. I walked into the office standing in front of him.

"Hey, Lance." I smiled.

He tilted his head up, he began feeling what I was wearing, then he got up and began feeling my neck and face, then hair.

"Keith, you sometimes sound like my annoying brother." He smiled.

"Sorry." I giggled.

He got up and linked arms with me, I opened the door for him and he went out first but stopped waiting for me right behind him. We walked down the halls.

"So," I said.

Lance's smile slowly frowned.

"I can sense nervousness from you, are you ok?" Lance asked.

Ask him.

"Yup, everything is good," I said.

Lance turned his head to me, a little off from where I actually am, but he tried. I can tell that he's cautious. In this dark world of his, everyone is just a single voice. Lance doesn't even know what I look like. It makes me greatly sad. The bell rang, and in seconds, the hall we were in became packed. Lance hanged onto me tighter. I began leading the way slowly, he seemed nervous. I looked in front of me, quickly, there was a kid tying his shoelace beside a garbage bin, I moved quickly away, but too quickly. I got loose of Lance, and the crowd began pushing him.

"Keith!" He yelled over a large amount of talking.

Lance put his arm out, then began feeling the ground with his cane, slowing his paste. I tried going to him but so many people were cutting in front of me.

"Lance, walk towards my voice," I called.

He began doing so, he's panicking a lot. I can tell. After 10 more seconds he reached me, he began feeling everything to make sure, then he slapped my shoulder.

"You can't leave me! I'm blind! I can't see where I'm going!" Lance shouted he's now clinging to my arm.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"It's ok." He said.

He looks so cute when he's angry.

~Small note!!!

Because I'm a bored person. I'm going to give out little info on me so you guys can understand who I am a little better in each chapter after this.

So my name is Karlee! (Yes you can call me that)

Please don't call me ICarly. I really hate it:(

And yee.

Karlee/Cupid out!~

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