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Everyone sat in the lounge area. Lance walked in with an upset look, the aura of sadness lingured onto everyone.

"Are you ok?" Keith asked.

"No Keith, I'm not ok," Lance answered in a sassy tone. "I was in love with you! Ok? And you didn't love me back."

"I don't want you in danger. Ever. I rather have you pissed off at me in a lie, then liking me and dead." Keith huffed

"Well I'M DONE!" Lance yelled.

Keith's eyes widened.

"I'm done," Lance held his head down shaking as he left the room.

"I should go check on him." Hunk said. "Pidge will you stay with Keith?"

"Yeah," Pidge said.

~Hunks POV~

I ran following Lance to his room. He had tears. He stormed in and sat on his bed, looking out the window.

"Lance?" I stepped in.

He looked at me broken.

~Pidges POV~

I followed Keith to his room, he looked mad but scared. I sat on his bed waiting for a word, he kept pacing around his room, nervous.

"Keith?" I said.

He looked at me with an innocent look.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked.

He nodded no.

"Well, do you want to stop pacing around?" I said.

"I'm sorry, I'm nervous," Keith said.

"About?" I said.

"That he'll never forgive me," Keith said.

"Not to be rude. But why do you care so much if all you guys do is fight?" I said.

"BECAUSE I LOVE HIM!" Keith said with anger.

My eyes were wide. He looked at me and sat down beside me.

"I'm sorry. It's just, growing up alone, no parents, no rules. I didn't care about anyone. But meeting him, hanging with him. He's become so important to me. Actually too important." Keith said.

"Oh," I said.

His eyes started watering.

"I don't want to lose him," Keith sighed.

The little drops of tears began to flow.

"Your face is turning red. Wanna go wash up in the bathroom?" I asked.

He nodded. I followed him to the boy's bathroom of the ship. When we got there, Lance was washing his face with a cloth. He turned to us and looked down. Keith walked towards Lance, the tension was strongly in the air. It was as the atmosphere was stiff. Keith hugged him burying his face on Lance's shoulder. Lance didn't hug back. Shiro stepped in, he entered a stall, paused, and walked backward to the situation.

"I'm sorry," Keith said with a voice crack. "I shouldn't have done that. It's just, you mean so much to me, and the fact of you being dead would weigh on me for the rest of my life. If I didn't lie, then you wouldn't be standing here right now...and I wouldn't either."

Keith leaned back a bit, still, both stomachs are touching. "I promise I won't do it again, I will only tell you the truth. I promise. Just please, please forgive me."

Lance looked away with a sigh, then back at Keith with teary eyes. Lance hugged Keith tight along with a kiss on his neck.

"Ok." Lance agreed. "I can forgive you."

The boys washed their face to cool down and held hands walking out of the bathroom.

"AWW!" Coran and Allura teared up.


Keith and Lance exchanged smirks. "Love."

"Uhh, are you ok Coran?" Shiro said.

Everyone looked at Coran crying with tears of joy.

"It's just so beautiful," Coran said.

Keith and Lance hugged again in relief.

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