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April 30, 2018

As I made my way down the familiar path of Roseberry park, all of the sudden I felt a shocking rush of chilly goosebumps travel through all parts of my light caramel-brown skin. The sun had been set a few hours ago so I guess it getting colder outside had a lot to do with that. The stars were shining bright in complete upbeat capacity and a full moon was more than visible in it's full form. Actually, now that I'm noticing all the changes that have occurred since I first came out here to this park, I want to know what the exact time is. Although, I wasn't quite ready to leave—I knew I had to be home soon.

The house that I shared with my older cousin—Bandzey, wasn't to far from the park that I was currently at, but it was at least a good three miles. I headed in the opposite direction of the following path I was on and started walking towards Pecan Street—the quickest route to my house.

I always have my phone on silent during my walks in the park—simply because I need the peace and a phone isn't anything but a distraction. Sometimes, I just take out periods of time for myself to get my thoughts recollected and to freely clear my mind without any disruptions. It was definitely long overdue, which is why I decided to take a walk in the park anyway.

Now, that I'm completely done with what I call my "Moni Moment"—I took my phone off do not disturb mode. As expected no one called or text me but it wasn't like I had anybody that I associated with to do so anyway. However, I know my cousin would be contacting me shortly asking my whereabouts. Shit, I'm kind of surprise that she hasn't already... she stay on me about safety and all of the matters following that.

It read 10:46 at night on my phone screen and usually around this time the block is hot, but quite frankly it wasn't the usual New Orleans tonight. I mean, I'm not complaining at all really, it's a blessing to have this type of calmness in a city that's often filled with chaos, drama, and fluckery. It's too odd for the streets not to be popping right now, kind of makes your skin crawl at the queerness of it all. Embracing this split second of tranquil, I hummed one of my favorite songs by Tupac—Life Goes On.

"You knew this day was coming bitch when you didn't do what you was suppose to do!" I heard a man shout aggressively with a lot of tension laced in his voice.

"Do what you got to do my nigga stop trolling on bullshit." Another man responded effortlessly as if he didn't care about the conflict that was obviously going on between the two.

"Turn around I don't want to see yo pitiful ass face!" One of the men spat in a boisterous tone.

"Nah you want to kill me with yo la' yat and have no remorse of my family la' bitch ass boy! I want you to do that shit while looking me dead in my fucking eyes." The other man spoke with all seriousness, it seemed like he meant every beat of the words he was saying to the point spit was shooting out his mouth like a Lobster Elite machine.

"I find it funny how you still trying not to show fear when your skull is 5 seconds from being cracked open pussy boy!"

"You know what, I find it funny how you can't even look at me directly and kill me. You sure you ain't the pussy boy?" The man chuckled—taunting the one who was showing aggressiveness before.

I stopped humming my song as soon as I heard the dispute at hand. I ducked behind a car and listened to the two men arguing back and forth in an alley near a parking lot that was across the street from where i'm hiding at. I couldn't make out who the voices belong to because I only knew a number of people in New Orleans, but I did know somebody was about to lose their life tonight. I wasn't moving from this spot any time soon because the last time I was put in a similar situation like the one at hand I almost died trying to flee the scene! This time around—I'm still not the one being targeted, but people behind a gun don't care and bullets have no eyes.

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