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C//69 , "Sequences"
November 27 , 2017 (2 months later)

Moni Pov

I'm 6 months pregnant and haven't spoke to August since the day he left for the "tour". Funny thing is I haven't seen him on no social media or anything. It's like he dropped off the face of the earth. Well , shit I hope he didn't! I've cried at least once a day wondering where he is. Everybody has been checking on me and feeling sorry. Nobody has seen or talk to him. I've reached out to his manager and everything. I done did everything I could. I really don't want to give up , and I really don't want to hear that he is dead or anything. I just , I just wish I could see or hear his voice again. I just want him to be okay. Seth is in the living room playing the game. He has been with me , and he even cried with me a little. He said its breaking his heart seeing me like this. What else do you want me to be? How do you want me to feel? My fucking baby is gone and hasn't been seen or anything. He wasn't on no damn tour , so what the fuck! Why did he lie to me? Sneak and Teke got called yesterday I told them to find him. They said they are on it. I had an appointment for my son today , and my stress levels were extremely high. The doctor told me go to yoga or something to keep them down. I'm trying to do that on my own , it's just hard. I really just want for everything to be okay. Yanna is coming over later to keep my company. I wanted Bandzey to come because I wanted to see my niece , but she is spending time with Ciya today.

Later on that day...

"You up Moni?"

I mumbled...

"I'm up"

"It's Yanna Moni"

"I know"

I turned over towards the door and looked up at her. She pouted.

"It's going to be okay Moni"

"I don't believe that anymore Yanna"

"August will be found"

"Yanna he's been gone for months. What if he doesn't love me anymore? What if he doesn't want to have Bless anymore? What if he just said FUCK US?!"

I started crying while sitting up now. Yanna came towards me and hugged me close.

"Moni he wouldn't do that. I'm sure he is fine okay?"

I didn't say anything else. I just let her hug me. Bless started to kick my stomach.

"I'm leaving Moni I'll be back later"

"Okay Seth"

Yanna had pulled away.

"You good Moni?"

"I'm okay go ahead Seth"

He looked sad. That same sad look he always gives me when I get like this.

"Yanna can we do something fun today?"

"You want to do something fun?"

"Yes anything"

"Okay girls day!"

She clapped her hands together.

"Bless is with us"

She laughed a little .

"I guess he is . You sure he can hang?"

"Oh! My baby can hang!"

We both laughed again.

"Can you help me find something to wear?"

"My pleasure sis"

I got up from the bed and we both went to my closet. I got to get out and do something. I can't soak in depression or anything like that.

Teke Pov

"There he go Sneak!"

I pointed to where I seen August at.

"Nigga that is him ain't it"

"What the fuck he got on?"

"Man who is them big ass niggas by him?"

We were in our car. We were riding on this back road where a lot of tree's and shit were. It lowkey looked like a forest.

"Some weird shit going on . Wrong turn and shit"

"Man why is he out here?"

We all the way in Baton Rouge. We got a call earlier saying they saw August ass last over here and shit.

"Roll up on them Teke"

"You loaded?"

"You know this thing stay full"

He gripped on his gun and I smiled. That's what I'm talking about. Never lacking ya ' heard me.

Minutes later...

I was driving off fast as shit from this area.

"Sneak what's wrong with him?"

"Shit he under some type of drug or something. I don't know what the fuck going on"

Sneak back in the back smacking August and shit. He on some zombie shit and keep saying Bless. I don't know what the fuck going on. I'm about to take him back to our crib and shit then make calls and tell people we got him. He ain't going back to New York until we figure out what's wrong with this nigga. We killed them big ass niggas who was hanging on to him and we search the cars they were in. We found some folders and shit. I seen August face in there , but I ain't read no papers or nothing. Something is going to have to explain this shit.

Night time ...

Moni Pov

I slouched down the wall carefully . I just got a call.

August is okay...

My mother did it...

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