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C//55 , "Life Goes On..."
June 6th , 2017

Dezzy Pov

You was gone kill me? You tried to kill my brother? Nah we still here son , and we ain't going nowhere. All y'all niggas gone feel me , right after I move my baby moms and my shorty out the way.

"Bands how you feeling?"

"Look how about I move you out of New York?"

She hung up... She fucking hung up . I called right back though , back to back too. She didn't answer not one of my calls. I'm going to have to make a house stop for sure.

"Dezzy I'm horny babe"

"Here I come."

I put my phone down and made my way to our room.My shorty was already laying there naked.I'll make that stop by Bandzey's tomorrow . I'm about to handle my shorty all night. I need some little wet because I know Bandzey about to cause me hell.

Moni Pov

I'm pregnant and I just put a down payment down for this building that I'm willing to progress into something bigger.Only problem is I have to be 18 to do what I want to do with it.I got to find the perfect business partner , I just don't trust folks like that. I also don't know anybody who wants the same occupation as me.I can only think of one person and she is living her life Plus,I blew her off the other day saying I'll cal her back. I mean a lot was going on. Lately,I been having my daddy on my mind due to Ron's prior death. My dad's memories come with my mom. I have yet to run into that lady again , and I'm thankful for that to say the least. Ron,Trell,and Mel all died in the same year do you know how bad that is?Even if it would've been spacious it couldn't of affected everyone any less than it is.August barely shows affection now , his eyes are more cold. He has been in the studio non- stop also , so its even more awful. I try to be there for him and everything , but he pushes me away most of the time. He says he loves me and kisses me from time to time . When he is here he might eat one of my meals.Usually, he doesn't turn down anything at all, but he has. I love how he has such of an ambition , but I don't want nothing to happen to him. He is worried about me also , because he always looks at me this type of way. Its with real sad eyes too. I assure him that I'm good and the baby's good. I'm holding up at least , I'm just trying to be strong for everyone. He is trying to be strong for me. I was at Bandzey house yesterday for two days because Ciya went to tend to Evan. She is truly depressed. I went to the doctor with her because she wanted to check on the baby's well-being. The doctor told her that her stress levels are over the monitor and she needed to find a relief. Basically,a way to grieve , so it wouldn't affect Nina. That only saddened her more. She looks so broken and just lost. She always talks to Nina then anyone else. I came over to comfort her and she just blurted out different stuff and cried in my arms. I cried with her because I never seen Bandzey like this for anyone she loved and plus Ron was my brother. Its just been a real dark world for everyone and we are trying to make light in the best way possible for the people or things that rely on us. She was screaming how sorry she was at the funeral. Ms.Rosey and her walked out of the funeral together. Ms.Rosey knows now that Nina isn't Ron's baby , but she did know how much Bandzey meant to Ron. Neither one knows how to feel. Both of Ms.Rosey's son are dead and one killed the other.How is any woman suppose to live like that? She told Bandzey to stay in touch if she ever needed anything. Bandzey on the other hand lost the love of her life and almost lost her babydaddy. She doesn't know if she should hate or love right now. I wish I could do more for everyone , but I'm just as empty handed as the rest. All I do is pray and pray for the remainder of our family , we need it. I decided to get up from my bed and reach out to Yanna. I dialed her number and waited patiently to see if she would answer.

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