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C//48 , "Damn Fr"
May 21,2017


"It's me!"

I opened the door for Ron and he came in walking right past me and sat down on the couch. He look fucking stressed. It's his baby , it should be. It can't be Dezzy , he didn't nut yo he didn't. We gone find out today too. The results are in and that's why Ron is here. He left and got a hotel the day we left the appointment , so this is my first time seeing him since then. On my way back over to the couch, I got me some tea from the fridge. My mouth needed to be hydrated.

"Hurry the fuck up man"

I drunk down the tea with a slight mean mug.

"Stalling and shit"

"Shut the hell up Ron"

He leaned back and mumbled non audible words. He can chill , like dead ass. I opened the kitchen drawer and picked up the envelope that held the results inside. I went in the living room sitting across from Ron,but on the floor. I would probably need help getting up.

"You want to open it Ron?"

"Yea hand me the shit"

I handed it over and he took deep breaths. Before he opened it , he took my hand.

"Look , I love you ight? Real shit though if Nina ain't my baby it's fuck ya cool?"

Hell nah that shit ain't cool.I didn't know what to say.

"She's yours Ron"

He said less , he ripped it open and unfolded the papers. His eyes scammed over everything. That's when I seen his jaws clench and he threw the papers at me and got his keys. I didn't even have to read the percentage by his actions I knew it said Dezzy , but how?

"Ron! Wait! He didn't nut! The test are lying son!"

"The test lying?"

He shook his head.

"Nah B , fuck ya"

"Nah B , fuck ya"

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"Ron please..."

He had already shut my door. I didn't even bother going after him , I just wanted answers. I haven't seen Dezzy since the day we were in the grocery store like a month or two ago.


I was looking for some icing cookies. I had been in here 15 minutes and I was getting fed up because my feet were already hurting as it is. I went up and down this cookie aile three times and I'm about to give up and fucking cry yo.

"Looking for the pink ones?"

I knew that voice. I looked up to see Dezzy standing before me. He looked good too. All I seen was some sexy ass chocolate. I've been up here for a little over a month now,but haven't seen him. Matter fact, I haven't seen him since the day everything went down. He still remember my favorite kind. I pulled my hair behind my ear and smiled a little. It was bittersweet seeing my long lost bestfriend.

"Yea I am"

He reached over behind another pack of cookies and brought out the exact cookies I been looking high and dry for.

"Here you go Bands"

"Thanks , how did you see them and I couldn't?"

"For one they stay hiding shit and for two your pregnant"

"What does pregnant have to do with anything , wait how do you know I'm barely showing"

"I don't know, I just do. It's that bitch nigga's?"

"Yea it's Ron's"

They came out a little bit rough then I attended it too. He chuckled a little bit.

"Figures , well nice seeing you"

"You too"

Some girl was at the end of the aile calling for him. She referred to him as "Babe", caught me by surprise too.

"I gotta go, but aye! My number still the same Bands"

"Mine is too DezzyDaddy"

He smiled. Yo his smile is the shit.

"I got you shorty, take care"

"You too ugly"

He smiled all the way walking backwards. He even put the calling symbol with his hands up to his ear. The girl didn't seem to notice.

(Flashback Over)

I got my phone from out my titty and went exactly to Dezzy contact. I let it ring for about two times then he picked up.


"Yeah it's me , you busy?"

"Nah just rolling wassgoody?"

"Yo slide through we need to talk like right now , I'll send you my address"

"You good?"

"Just come"

I hung up and sent him my direct address. I even sent Ron a text. I'm not going out like this, I'm so confused. Actually, hurt with myself for letting things get to complicated like this.

Ron- please cool down and talk to me soon. Don't walk out of my life , I need you

I do need him. He has become a factor in my life together or not.


Part two to this also...

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