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C//28  , November 12,2016


I was shaking and crying so bad, this shit hurts. I can't have this happen to me right now son.  I done lost to many fucking people in my life I don't deserve to lose anymore people. Fighting for what? The entire situation was just so fucking pointless. Dealing with these two annoying ass niggas for what? If that nigga was in my presence right now I swear to God! I can't do this shit! Why the fuck did this have to happen!

"Sis calm down before you hyperventilate aight? Everything gone be good."

Boog and Bonnie was rubbing my back trying to soothe me in a way while Sneak and Teke was outside with Ron doing whatever they can to be there for him. Kevo ass took Ron car and went to wherever— somewhere far away from us because we couldn't freaking find him. He lucky he took that route because Kalem and Raheem want his ass dead like right now—as soon as possible.

Kevo pulled out a gun out and started to buss at Dezzy. He hit him with a bullet but he hit Bandzey too because she tried to block the rest of Dezzy's shots— Bandzey and that big ol' heart of hers. Ron ass got grazed because he was trying to get Bandzey out of the way from the bullets she was willing to take it was just a lot going on.

Ron doesn't  even know what to do with himself at the moment. His "girl" in surgery fighting for her fucking life, his brother out trying to hide from Dezzy's brothers who are trying to kill him, and his brother is the one behind all of this shooting bullshit.

This shouldn't of went this far and I believe everyone can agree to that.

"Family of Dezzy Crooks?"

I went up to the doctor and before hand I tried to read his face, but he damn sure has a good a straight face. You wouldn't know if this nigga was mad, sad, happy, or anything.

"Just you ma'am?"

"Yes, just me...the results?"

"Okay well I'm doctor Martinez and Dezzy will be fine. Uh, he was shot near his knee so he basically tore a good amount of muscle, so he will need help getting around when he is released. We can supply him with both wheelchair and crunches if covered by the correct cost.  He should use those things for 8 weeks with physical therapy. If Dezzy plays sports or anything that's out the question now, it wouldn't be the best idea.  He is lucky that he was only shot one time and that it didn't permanent disable him to ever walk again. He can be seen if you would like ma'am. He is in room 123 just down the hallway to the left. Any questions?"

"Thanks Doc, I do have a question though have you heard anything about the girl who came in with him?"


"Yes, that's her name."

"She's still in surgery."


I nodded my head and thanked him again. This shit ain't sitting to good with me.  I can't loose my cousin man— I'll loose myself completely.

I went to tell Boog and Bonnie what the doctor just told me and I let them know I was going to go visit Dezzy. They replied and said they were going outside to see how Ron was holding up. We could see him from the window yelling and crying— he done punched about every thing in sight.

I made my way to room 123 and walked in. Dezzy looked at me then he looked back down. They had his leg prompt up on this sling shot thing.

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