Chapter 1

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So, before we get started with all the crazy stuff, let me tell you the basics.

Hi! My name is Lisa Stone. A girl with plain old brown hair and plain old brown eyes as well as a plain personality with a plain life. You kinda get the point.

Umm... well... actually, sorta plain life... umm... you'll find out later.

Anyway, I was in the middle of a glorious sleep, dreaming about crushing every single one of my enemies with my bare hands _ it was a very nice dream, by the way,_ when I heard my mother yell at the top of her lungs, "GOOD MORNING BIRTHDAY GIRL!"

All of a sudden, I sprang awake, before rolling my eyes at my mother. You see, all my mum ever did nowadays was yell. (Probably a sign of her getting old)

Don't get me wrong, I love her to bits but sometimes... sometimes her loud voice gets really annoying.

Especially, when I'm in a bad mood. Yeah, you don't wanna see me in a bad mood.

Groggily, I got out of my bed (more like a dirty mattress really but you don't have to know that) and staggered to the smallest toilet in the history of toilets. (Don't worry, they don't actually teach us the history of toilets at school)

There was a small shower (that only had cold water), a tiny toilet in the corner and a sink with a half smashed mirror above it.

I yawned loudly as I took my toothbrush and expired toothpaste and started to brush my teeth.

Through my squinted eyes, I could see my brown hair all tangled up like a bird's nest. (*Insert 20 hours worth of ranting*)

I then spat out the toothpaste and muttered, "Even on my birthday my hair is a disaster!" I then took a hairbrush and tried to fix my hair without screaming in pain. Tried.

By the time I got to the second stroke, I yelped loud enough for my mum and brother to hear me.

"Are you ok in there?" Mark, my brother, asked. Even from all the way here, I could hear the amusement in his voice.

"Absolutely splendid, thank you very much!" I replied sarcastically as I heard a loud chuckle.

Rolling my eyes, I continued to try brushing my hair until I heard mum yell for me to go to the kitchen.

Practically jumping with joy, I put the torture device (aka my hairbrush) away and rushed past Mark, who was impatiently waiting by the door.

"Took your time," Mark muttered teasingly before ruffling my hair and walking into the bathroom, "Happy birthday, Little L!"

I ignored him and ran past the short, narrow corridors with paint chipping off the walls.

I mentally sighed _ I wasn't sure how long the small apartment was going to last before collapsing.

It was actually terrifying, living in an unstable apartment, but I didn't let that get the best of me.

Once I reached the kitchen, I grinned as I saw a homemade birthday card and a necklace with a heart from Poundland on the table.

Thank goodness that shop actually sells good things for cheap! I bet your mum would start crying if she bought me a terrible gift.

"Happy birthday," My mum said loudly as she squeezed me tightly she then sighed and said, "I'm sorry I couldn't get you anything fancy... This is all we can afford."

I simply smiled at her and said, "Mum, it's beautiful. I genuinely love it."

I wasn't even lying. Usually, if someone got something cheap instead of a phone for their birthday, they'd probably hate it.

I, however, didn't have a social life so I didn't need one.

"But... but... if... your dad was here..." mum chocked back a sob.

I sighed as I stared up at her with pained eyes. My dad died when I was very young, leaving mum (who struggled to find a job and look after two kids at the same time) in poverty.

She and my 20-year-old brother both worked as hard as possible to get well-paid jobs.

Easier said than done when you don't have a car and can barely afford a bus pass.

When I turned 15, I wanted to try and find a job and help out without money issues.

I quickly kissed my mum on the cheek before putting on the necklace, smiling at mum.

"There's nothing in this world that can compare to your presents. Nothing," I said, hugging my mum.

OMG! I just finished my first ever chapter. Whoooooooo!!!!! Ok I'm overreacting a little bit but seriously, tell me what you think about this first chapter. Ignore the prologue cause it's really bad.

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