Chapter 14

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I decided to annoy you with an A/N that doesn't need to be here mainly because I wanna test out the picture thing so... here's some cats.

 here's some cats

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After dinner, I returned to my dorm room, changing into Maxine's clothes and lay in bed

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After dinner, I returned to my dorm room, changing into Maxine's clothes and lay in bed.

Oh, my bleep you have no idea how comfy the bed was. Just yes. Bleeping yes it's amazing!

I shall forever devote my soul to the legend that is... The bed.

Anyway, there were many things going through my head like: will I see mum and Mark again? How will I be able to contact them? Do they know where I am and if so, do they miss me?

"Firstly," Maxine said, making me jump, "You probably won't see much of them but you can send some letters. There's a mailroom somewhere in the school. You can write a letter any time you'd like. Secondly, it depends on whether your dad told your mum about Celestiam, which he probably did and thirdly, of course, they do!"

I simply stared at Maxine, flabbergasted. How did she hear my thoughts? Second of all, how did she know about dad? Or the fact that he was from Celestiam?

"You know, you really need to stop voicing your thoughts," Maxine replied monotonously as she lay on her bed.

"How do you know about my dad?" I asked quietly as Maxine shifted in her bed so that she faced me.

"Ash was your recruiter so he learnt as much as he could about you. I was able to get a sneak peek at your files," she replied.

Ok... I was totally not creeped out at all. They know about dad, about my childhood, about Mark and my mum.  They literally know everything about me actually.

"Lisa," Maxine began as I hummed in reply, "Was it true? What you said about how we were the first people who were nice to you?"

I winced, I knew Maxine would ask that. I hate it when people are smart.

"Yep," I replied, "I was bullied at school and the whole neighbourhood hated me. Don't really blame them though. I am just a petty thief."

Maxine glanced at me with a look of sympathy on her face _ it felt weird having people feel bad for me.

I was used to people feeling bad for whoever lived near me or the people in my school who sat next to me in class.

This honestly felt odd.

Not a slimy substance type of weird or a creepy weird but a nice weird. Like when you... Ummm... I have no bleeping idea!

Goodness! Do you people realize how hard it is to describe your thoughts? Sometimes I just wish that people could just read my mind instead of me having to explain it to them.

Then again, I don't exactly want you people to know about my deepest darkest secrets so stay away!

Anyway, after a long time of having this weird debate, I finally went to sleep on probably one of the comfiest beds I ever slept on!

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