Chapter 32

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After listening to some music, I took a deep breath and walked out of the music room, leaving a sleeping Sophie alone.

Apparently, pop songs were both boring and tiring seen as Sophie was able to sleep so quickly.

I walked around the royal's wing before looking at the time: it was almost dinner.

At the thought of food, my stomach rumbled.

"Man, you have a loud tummy for someone as small as you," I heard Leo say.

I turned around and came face to face with a pair of stormy grey eyes.

"Oh, hi Leo," I simply said, slightly nervous: I never talked to any of the royals properly before _ other than Sophie of course.

Of course, there were many disadvantages of having a very big mouth: I have to pay attention to what I am saying before something wrong comes out of my mouth.

"Hey, how's life?" Leo replied as he grinned at me.

At that moment, I realised how awkward and cringy I was.

Fun fact, when someone asks how's life, then you know it's gonna be awkward.

"Ummm... other than the fact that I just discovered that I'm a princess of a whole world, was almost killed and was paired up with my mortal enemy, it's pretty good."

That caused Leo to laugh. Man, I'm such a comedian, aren't I?

"You're funny," Leo said, "I think you and I are gonna get along just fine!"

I raised a brow at him and snorted, "As long as you're nothing like Jamie I don't mind. Now, if you don't mind, I wanna go to the kitchen, I'm starving!"

See what I mean by a big mouth?

I then walked passed him and went to the kitchen, hoping for another spoonful of that incredible soup.

All of a sudden, pots and pans came floating out of the kitchen, then followed by the cutlery.

"Holy-" I almost cursed as Elizabeth walked into the room.


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