Chapter 24

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After a few hours, the nurse finally released me.

I followed Maxine and Sophie out of the medical wing, continuously punching Maxine on the arm. I was still completely in shock.

Mrs Fox told me to pack my things (she forgot I was kidnapped from my home and didn't have anything with me other than the clothes I was wearing and my necklace) and go with Sophie to the royals wing.

"One more punch and I'll shove your hand down your throat!" Maxine yelled threateningly as I hurriedly pulled away.

I felt numb. Like I couldn't function. I still couldn't believe that all of that happened in one damn day.

On my first day of school!

To be fair though who else can say that on their first day of school, they found out that they were royalty.

Yep, that's right, only one. (Or maybe a million other, fellow protagonists in their own magical stories)

Anyway, Maxine walked through the wall. Me, being the idiot that I am, almost walked into the wall until Sophie stopped me.

I took a deep breath before unlocking the door and walking into my old room.

"Why does this all have to happen to me?" I complained as I lay on my bed.

"Because you're the main character of this book and the author can't give you a plain story!" Maxine replied as I raised an eyebrow.

When Maxine didn't explain any further, I decided to shrug it off and stare at the ceiling.

I had millions of thoughts swirling through my mind as sighed. I wondered how other characters in books would handle it.

Oh, who am I kidding? Book characters would greet change with open arms _ they are terrible examples!

"Stop moping about and let's go!" Sophie suddenly yelled, making me jump.

Goodness, what was up with these people and making me jump.

I sighed before turning to Maxine and hugging her, "I know we've only been roommates for under 24 hours but I will totally miss you and your weirdness."

Maxine simply rolled her eyes before returning the hug, "Whatever you do, don't let those snobby royals make you weak!"

I simply replied with a promise before turning to Sophie and nodding, "Let's go,"

Me and Sophie walked by all the students, ignoring their judging stares: it was near the middle of the day so most students were still going to lessons.

Finally, we reached the grand flight of stairs. I took a deep breath and followed her up the carpeted staircase.

Things were going to change once more and I didn't know if I was excited or scared.

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