Chapter 39

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It was nearing the end of the third week when I finally had time to write my mum a letter.

In it, I explained what I was and where I was. I told her that I was fine and that I'd try to write to her as much as I can.

Finally, I signed my name at the bottom, letting a tear slide down my cheek. I lifted the necklace and kissed the heart.

I then whispered, "I miss you," with ever more tears trickling down my face.

I never got to notice the person who just entered the room.

"I never knew idiots could cry," a certain someone, I think you know who, said teasingly as I ignored him.

"Just because I'm dumb doesn't mean I'm not human," I replied on barely a whisper.

"You mean a Celestian," Jamie corrected as I rolled my eyes.

Why did it have to be him finding me like this? Honestly, he was the last person I wanted to see. Other than Mary of course.

"Firstly, I don't know. Secondly, I hate you too and thirdly, who in the name of Celestiam is Mary?" Jamie replied as I looked at him confusedly.

"You know, talking to yourself is one of the first signs of madness," Jamie explained as I rolled my eyes.

"Go away, you stupid idiotic no good idiot!" I snapped loudly as I shoved him, wiping my eyes repeatedly to remove any traces of me crying.

"First of all, I'm not an idiot, I'm a prince so you shouldn't be talking to me like that at all. Second of all, this is the study room; it's meant for people to come in and study."

I ignored him and walked out of the room.

"Sorry for wanting some privacy," I snapped sarcastically before leaving the study room, trying to ignore the confused frown he had on his face.

Was he guilty? Worried even? Wait why did I even care about that anyway?

"Princes," I muttered bitterly before going to the mail room to send my mum the letter.

I really hoped school will get better. Especially my strange alliance with Jamie.

Fighting him just wasted so much time and energy. All I wanted was to have a break from all that drama.

Sighing, I walked to my room and flopped on my bed. Maybe I should try to open up a bit more.

I wouldn't do this for anyone. Not for Sophie, or the royals or even my family.

I was doing it for myself.

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