Chapter 48

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We all stayed there for a while: me and the other three were hanging on the wall whilst Charles looked at us strangely.

I still couldn't believe it. He lied to us. He betrayed us. I suddenly felt like pulling my hair out _ I should've never trusted him.

Or any of the others. Eventually, I bet you all of them will find a way to turn on me. That they'd find a way to hurt me. To break me.

This is why I have trust issues.

There was a sense of awkward tension in the air _ I hated it.

Honestly, by now, Charles should've found a genius way to torture us but he hasn't even got to explaining his motive.

"Are you gonna tell us your ingenious plan to take over the world already, I'm getting bored," Maxine complained as I nodded in agreement.

Finally! The silence was literally unbearable.

"A common mistake bad guys make. They just assume they have the upper hand and tell their enemy all of their deepest darkest secrets. So, I'm going to be smart and assume that you will make it and not tell you anything."

I snorted loudly, causing Charles to raise an eyebrow at me.

Now don't think I was being immature or anything but honestly!
Charles, a bad guy?

He might be a traitor but not a bad guy!

Although I was pretty sure that Charles will kill us, I didn't let that fact get to me.

The longer we stalled, the easier it is for the others at school to find us.

I just hoped that the other royals will be able to find us in time. Before Charles goes all bloody Mary on us.

Anyway, Charles then turned to us, his expression became more... intimidating...

I think he has an idea.

"Let's play a game," Charles said sinisterly, "I'll start with the newcomer first."

I have a feeling that that (haha that that) newcomer is me.

All of a sudden he disappeared but, not a moment too long, he returned with two very familiar people.

My heart skipped a beat.

"No," I whispered quietly, tears were threatening to spill out as I saw who the people were.

I struggled against the chains and screamed multiple curse words at him. By now I was desperate _ I needed to get them out!

And who are they, you ask?

Mum and Mark.

Can someone get me a gun because I need to kill someone!

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