Chapter 23

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I looked at the girl questioningly as she then said, "My name's Rose Royall, the heir of Natura and I know exactly what happened to you."

Royall? Well bleep, she was named after her job? How sad...

I then leaned forward in interest, almost falling off the bed. I mean, if some person you just met told you that, I'm sure you'd get interested.

"Go on, I'm not stopping you!" I said rather rudely before covering my mouth. Rose simply laughed warmly. Bleep, why is she so nice?

She's too nice! I wanna hate royals but that girl was making it sooo hard! Bleep you, Rose!

"You, my dear friend, are a princess," Rose said as I raised an eyebrow.

"Yep, and I am also Spiderman, Batman and Superman at the same time!" I replied sarcastically, to be honest, I really had enough of surprises.

"No, honestly Lisa, you are a princess. The princess of the whole of Celestiam to be precise," Rose simply said as I felt slightly faint.

I could hear the beeping become quicker.

"You mean, this WHOLE BLEEPING  WORLD!" I yelled as Sophie and Charles held my hands to steady me.

"How's that even possible?" Ash asked, "I thought there was only one royal per kingdom you know the whole story of the elements. Did history lie? Damn, I should've skipped class after all."

I held my breath, maybe this was some sort of twisted prank. According to Ash, this shouldn't be possible.

And although I shouldn't really trust someone like Ash, I do.

"You see, wherever there are people, there are light and darkness. Every hundred years, two people are born: one with the power of light and the other with the power of darkness. Celestiam is built on these two elements. Though we still don't know what happened to the Celestian weilding darkness. So by default, you are the future queen of this world," Rose explained, smiling innocently as if she didn't just drop a giant bombshell.

I held my breath, I could hear the beating of my heart increase. Well, more like the annoying beeping noise from the heart rate monitor.

Lemme tell you some good advice; don't tell a person who just woke up after fainting that they are the future ruler of a whole world.

I may or may not have thrown the closest thing I had at the closest person.

Turns out that the closest thing was a vase and the closest person was Ash.

Luckily for him, he was a teleporter, otherwise, things would end very differently.

I took a deep breath before I started to throw another tantrum.

To this day I still have no idea how the headteacher kept a straight face through all of it.

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