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After we returned, we were told that the headteacher ran away. Bleeping Elements, I should've known she was in on it!

Not only that but apparently, if it weren't for Jamie and Sophie's telepathic connection we would've all been dead.

Another thing we found out was that when the school tried to use the spell we used to find Charles, they couldn't get it to work.

That was when I came to the conclusion that Charles only wanted us to find him so he can kill us and eventually get to the royals starting with Jamie.

I guess that was why he got so close to Sophie, to use her as a gateway to Jamie.

Anyway, the new headteacher,  Maxine's mum, cancelled all tests and lessons for the rest of the year.

Probably because a lot of teachers quit.

Anyway, me and the other royals were able to convince the new headteacher to let all of us royals mix with normal people.

True, we still had separate lessons, but still.

At least it gave Jamie the chance to hang out with his sister and her friends.

Although Sophie puts on a brave face all the time, I know that she is completely heartbroken. I even heard her listening to one of those heartbreak songs.

You know something's wrong when you hear a girl listening to one of those songs.

Anyway, my dear old brother Mark was able to create a football club and he was the actual coach.

I don't know if I should congratulate or kill him, mainly because Mark keeps trying to squeeze football into the curriculum.

Oh, bleep you, brother...

As you can tell I love him sooo much. To the point where I want to cut off every single limb from his body and surgically stitch them together.

Mum somehow became a history of magic teacher, probably because dad taught her some of Celestiam's history.

Anyway one day, I had just a random thought going through my head and I needed a certain person to ask about it.

I looked all over the royals wing for Jamie until I found him in the study room.

"Hey," I said nervously as Jamie looked up from the book he was reading and nodded.

"Can I... talk to you?" I asked, blushing slightly. Why in the name of the bleeping Elements did I have to be so nervous?

Anyway, Jamie gestured to the chair next to his as I sat down.

"Look, Jamie... now that we're allies and all... can I... can I... can I call you Jam?" I asked as Jamie, rather Jam looked at me in confusion.

"Umm... no," Jam replied plainly as I smiled.

"Ok, Jam it is," I said as I skipped out of the room.

I then heard him mutter, "That girl sure is strange."

Indeed I am.

Strange and proud. Hmm... that's a good trending hashtag. People of the internet use this, please!

Anyway, I guess that was the end of my first year at Magus Academy. I can't bleeping wait to tell you about next year.

Hi, this is Jamie, Lisa keeps on forgetting to sign her letters so here you go. By the way, make sure you don't share this recklessly. After all, there is confidential information all over this letter.

Until next time,
From her majesty queen Lisa Stone

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