Chapter 12

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Once I sat down, I asked, "Wait, where do you get the food in here?"

I looked at all the other's amused expressions and growled under my breath. It looks like I already messed up.

"Just asking," I then added, I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment.

"Hey, it's alright. We're not laughing at you. We're just thinking about your reaction," Sophie said, grinning.

Finally, Maxine sighed, "Just think about what food you want."

I simply blinked at her in confusion. All I had to do was think? That can't be possible, or can it?

"Actually, it can," Ash said as I yelped _ how did he know what I was thinking.

"You were saying all that out loud," Charles said with an amused smile as the others giggled.

"Hahaha, very funny!" I snapped back. Then, I decided to test Maxine's theory out.

I closed my eyes and pictured the perfect roast dinner with creamy mash and a perfectly cooked steak.

A meal that I would kill to eat. Honestly, I never tried it and I always wanted to see how it tasted. If it was as good as it looked.

Once I opened my eyes, I gasped: in front of me was probably one of the best meals I will ever have.

"Mash potatoes," Sophie simply said, "Good choice."

However, I couldn't hear her at all. All I was thinking about was the incredible flavours that filled my mouth.

I squealed in delight as I gobbled my food; although mum's cooking was incredible, this had to be the best food I have ever eaten. Ever!

My life has been fulfiled. I can die happy now.

"Man, you are one hungry warrior," Ash said as I swallowed another bite.

"What? I'm poor and poor people gotta eat!" I replied with a mouth full of food.

The group chuckled loudly, earning a few glances from other people.

Suddenly, the whole canteen became silent as the doors opened.

A group of people came strutting in, with their heads held high. There were three boys and two girls.

Two of the group (a girl and a boy) were at the front with the other three trailing behind.

Although they were all impressive, it was the boy at the very back of the group who caught my attention: he had familiar blonde hair and deep blue eyes and, of course, was unnaturally tall.

The boy then turned his head in our direction, staring at Sophie. I turned to look at her and could see that she was fuming, looking as if she was about to murder him right there and then.

The boy, seeing Sophie's angered expression, turned his head and carried in walking with the others.

It was when the five people sat down that the noise returned to the canteen.

Oooh, drama.

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